Today, there are several methods of constant heating of premises. Firstly, this is centralized heating, when pipes from a single boiler room are stretched to the house. The advantages of this option are the minimum costs for battery maintenance, or maybe even their absence, and the big disadvantages are the fact that in winter it is necessary to pay for the service monthly, as well as the impossibility of connecting to the general system of houses standing "on the outskirts" The rooms can also be heated with gas, but installing a boiler and laying a gas pipe is expensive and perhaps not in all settlements. The third option is pellet boilers , that is, solid fuel equipment designed for autonomous and economical heating the house or any other room.
Advantages of a pellet heating system
The main advantages of using these boilers are:
- Independent operation of the boiler for seven days, the owner is only required to adjust its operation accordingly;
- Highest efficiency;
- The ability to use cheap and environmentally friendly fuel (pellets consist of straw, peat, flax, wood, sunflower husks, and rapeseed);
- Long service life - 25 years;
- Safety of use and protection against fire;
- Ability to clean the dedicated ash compartment only once a month in winter and every few months in other seasons.
Hassle-free heating
From the list presented, it can be seen that purchasing a pellet boiler is the right decision, which will save home owners from numerous problems that usually accompany the organization of the heating process.