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Boiler room efficiency

Эффективность котельной

Efficiency, stability, reliability, safety - these are the keys to the optimal operation of any facility, and these factors are in the focus of design and construction of boiler houses on silatepla.com ... This article discusses what goes into a well-conducted boiler room assessment.

Heating boilers are pressure vessels designed to heat water or generate steam, which can then be used to provide space heating and /or water heating in a building. They have a long lifespan and provide an efficient method of heating buildings. But significant regular maintenance is required, and if maintenance is delayed, repairs can be costly.

The main goal is safe, efficient combustion and optimal heat transfer. To do this, the burner will typically be set at about 3 percent oxygen, or 15 percent excess air, in which it must operate most of the time. For every 2% increase in oxygen over the reference, there will be a 1% loss in efficiency.

Various terms apply to efficiency. For example, combustion efficiency is sometimes used to refer to boiler efficiency, but in reality it is the ability of a burner to burn fuel with the least amount of excess air without exceeding acceptable levels of carbon monoxide and safety. Thermal efficiency is the overall boiler efficiency before deducting losses. Fuel and steam efficiencies are a true reflection of how the boiler works as it contains no waste. This is the correct indicator of the useful energy going into the system.

In addition to the boiler, the area of ​​the boiler room and the location of the chimney and equipment play an important role. While the main focus will be on boiler room equipment, the comprehensive assessment will consider where and how steam is used effectively. In particular, all pipelines must be properly insulated. If this is not the case, valuable energy is lost in the process, and the likelihood of damage increases.