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Electronic submission of tax returns

Электронная сдача налоговой отчетности


The electronic version of submitting reports is gaining popularity lately. The state encourages most organizations to change the form for submitting tax reports to a new one. This is much more convenient, because the relevant authorities accept reports from organizations according to a specific scheme. Despite the simplicity of the electronic transmission of reports, each control body approves an individual procedure for submitting an electronic report. You can find out about the rules for submitting electronic reports to specific inspection bodies by contacting yourself or on the website of the body.

Generating an electronic report over the Internet

To start generating an electronic report to any federal body, you need to fulfill a number of specific requirements. These include:

  • availability of a program for transmitting an electronic report,
  • qualified electronic signature,
  • availability of a program for generating a report,
  • availability of a cryptographic provider program.

Features of the report to the federal authorities

A large number of government agencies require the submission of reports in electronic form. This approach greatly facilitates the process, guarantees stability, reliability of information exchange between taxpayers and inspection structures. Federal agencies that require electronic records are:

  • FTS,
  • statistics authorities,
  • FIU,
  • FOMS RF,
  • FSS.

Electronic reports for submission to the Federal Tax Service

To ensure the simplicity and timely submission of electronic reports to the tax authorities, the company hires an intelligent system administrator along with an accountant. Installing a special software package for accounting accounting makes it possible to easily transfer data to the tax and other state control bodies. To do this, it is necessary to generate a report, unload files from the accounting system of the accounting department, send them to the state control body. It is recommended to select good operators for working with electronic documents on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The most optimal option for data transfer is the formation and sending of a report through the Astral Report, 1C Reporting programs. You can connect to these programs right now, and there is also an opportunity to receive qualified assistance from the company's specialists.

Another option for submitting reports is the programs of regulatory state bodies. All electronic reporting is submitted with the obligatory use of an EDS. This abbreviation means - electronic digital signature.

An electronic document of this type is needed to protect the transmitted documents from counterfeiting by third parties. Digital signature using