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Max Polyakov believes that Ukraine is not the only player in the space

Макс Поляков считает, что Украина - не единственный игрок в сфере космической

For a long time Ukraine was out of competition in the field of space technologies. Various projects coordinated by state-owned companies have almost completely supplanted the commercial structure. All this negatively affected the general state of the space industry. This was reported to the Interfax edition https://interfax.com.ua/news/tag /% D0% BC% D0% B0% D0% BA% D1% 81% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BB% D1% 8F% D0% BA% D0% BE% D0% B2.html Max Polyakov is the owner and founder of the aerospace organization Firefly.

Ukraine's sad experience with Brazil

Polyakov said that the country lost $ 800 million after a misunderstanding with the Brazilian space company. And all because at the agreed time the rocket was never designed. This was followed by other scandals, which had a bad effect on the reputation of Ukraine. The culprits were Ukrainian state-owned companies that hold leading positions in the international space market. During the entire period of independence of the country, the rocket and space industry has been unprofitable, and today nothing has changed in this regard. Despite constant subsidies and significant loans, it was not possible to achieve any results. According to Polyakov, the state should stop investing budgetary funds in the development of the space industry and transfer it to the jurisdiction of private organizations.

The entrepreneur also noted that in Ukraine the legislation prohibits the development of private rocketry. Although the country is still the only one in the world with such a powerful potential and a ban on private production of missiles. According to Polyakov, outdated legislation does not allow Ukraine to develop in the space industry.
