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Video surveillance and scales

Видеонаблюдение и весы

In any business, it is important to SEE what is really happening.

For confidence in the data of the accounting system, of course, it is important to account for the primary "paper" documents, but there are areas where video monitoring is vital.

One of such sections of the enterprise is weight posts, places at the enterprise where raw materials, semi-finished products are weighed, products are transferred between sections, orders and shipments are formed.

Weight products are a very fertile ground for all kinds of hauliers, crooks and thieves. These guys can parasitize the enterprise for years. All employees of the company, as well as, first of all, the owner suffer from these parasites.

One of the solution options, in addition to administrative and organizational measures, is the integration of a video surveillance system, scales and accounting system into a single information complex.

Any operation of weighing, document formation, invoice or product transfer act can be viewed and seen - what really happened! What products were weighed, how they were placed on the weighing platform, what were the readings of the scales, whether the readings of the scales fluctuated, were there any foreign objects on the platform, what kind of container was and how it was taken into account in the document.

Where can integration of scales and video surveillance be required? From our experience: in any enterprise where there is a large flow of weighing.

  • Elevators.
  • Metallurgical enterprises.
  • Sausage, meat and fish shops.
  • Careers.
  • Jewelry production and trade.

What scales is it possible to integrate video surveillance with? You can integrate video surveillance with any electronic scales that have an interface for connecting to a computer. Almost all electronic scales. The exception is crane scales. Not all crane scales can be integrated with a video surveillance system and an enterprise accounting system. At the same time, most of the leading manufacturers of scales provide opportunities for integration - through a radio channel module and connection to a computer.
