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Construction tool generator

Генератор для строительного инструмента

The electric tool in the field of construction and repair has become an indispensable assistant for foremen and auxiliary workers. Its compactness, efficiency and reliability are almost impossible to deny. But, there is one drawback, a source of electricity is required for its operation. If a household outlet is not available in this regard, an alternative source of energy is needed.

Diesel or Gasoline

According to the site https://sigma.ua/price/generatory/, popular portable generators can be relatively compact ... But, at the same time, to give out enough energy so that the electric tool connected to it can perform all the duties assigned to it. The modern range of products can be either diesel or gasoline powered. Running on pure gasoline has the following advantages:

  • easy launch at any time of the year;
  • high crankshaft speed does not require an intermediate gear;
  • efficient forced air cooling;
  • easy to adjust fuel supply;
  • easy restart after forced refueling.

Gasoline generators can be very small, to connect just one electric tool. Diesel counterparts are medium or large. Their advantages include lower fuel consumption and increased resource with proper daily operation.

Choosing the right generator

The range of products is so large that it is quite easy to make the wrong choice. To avoid negative consequences, it is worth answering a few questions before the final purchase:

  1. Always consider the maximum power of the connected tool. Or take a generator with a small margin of 20%.
  2. Some types of power tools can have several modes of operation with different powers.
  3. Don't forget about starting current. It can overload a low-power generator to a large extent.

Important: The professional electric tool is connected not only to the 220 volt AC household. There is a three-phase 380 volt instrument. Accordingly, the industry produces generators that produce electric current with industrial performance.

Recall that the following types of electric generators are distinguished according to the principle of their operation and the direction of use:

  • Alternator
  • Three-machine synchronous generator
  • Gas, diesel and petrol portable generators
  • Automotive Generators
  • Non-standard designs of electrical generators.
