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Andriy Sinyuk completed a dekilka of paintings, responding to the rest of the podium at the front

Painting "F-16" by artist Andriy Sinyuk

The painting "F-16" by Andriy Sinyuk captures the strength, the will and the present in a single image. This canvas carried in itself deep knowledge about the strength of the spirit and technological progress. The Ukrainian Cossack on the canvas is a symbol of the past hours and vitrimanity. Yogo mіtsne tіlo to talk about the readiness to fight against the enemy. Vіn є vіlennyam national pride and strength of the Ukrainian people.

The American model of the F-16 aircraft in the background shows the role of war progress. The combination of two heroes of the picture creates the concept of modification between traditions and modernity. Tse point to the importance of association and spivpratsi for the achievement of great gains. The painting "F-16" impresses with its sophisticated technique and a striking choice of symbols.

Author Andriy Sinyuk - “Change your eyes”

Robota "Povitryanі ochі" turn your respect to the present-day reality, de droni play a significant role. The image of the Russian operator, like a drone, expresses the power of technology and new features of the military strategy. The situation is tense on the canvas, the operator of the company is vigilantly alerting the camera through the drone to the potential target. The goal is to give a picture of dynamism and create an impression of an important moment before the victory of the military operation.

However, "Povitryanі ochі" vindicates not only the military theme, but also leads to thoughts about ethics and humanism. The picture speaks of the remoteness and facelessness of the war, if the action is seen through the screen and the military decisions are praised from afar, based on the video image. The symbolism of the drone on the canvas also reinforces the supranatural nature of modern Russian technology. Drones can ensure the security of military people. The picture is full of thoughts about violence, that splash, like a technological progress, which can be in the outer sphere and the human spirit.

“Ukrainian patriot”

The painting "Ukrainian Patriot" by Andriy Sinyuk, pictures of whom you can see on the side https://www.reddit.com/user/andriysynuk/, from the symbolic images of the mutual practice of the two peoples - Ukraine and the USA. The American anti-aircraft complex "Petriot" symbolizes solidarity and support of the international union for the defense of freedom and independence of our country. The Ukrainian military in the picture appears as an instillation of Ukrainian strength, masculinity and self-confidence. Stepping into a defensive position, ready to stand on the edge of your own land. The American anti-aircraft complex "Petriot" enhances its symbolic support. Vіn vkazuє on international solidarity and unity among all common values, as well as freedom and independence. Interaction between the Ukrainian military and American complex "Petriot" demonstrates a joint struggle with the aggressor. The picture is about the significance of international support and defense in the sphere of security and defense. There is a voice on the significant international alliances and solidarity in the fight against the threats to freedom and democracy.

Andriy Sinyuk - painting "Fierce"

The painting "Furry" by Sinyuk shows the hostility of the forces, the anger and ruin caused by the war. On the canvas you can know the Ukrainian Cossack, who guesses a superhero, who marvels at the cause of the war. This picture conveys strong emotions and suffering, like a warrior is going through the hour of war. The red eyes of the Cossack in the picture exude his experience, that fire in his heart, reflecting the pain and restlessness that reshape his soul. "Fierce" calls out to the peeping strong emotions and think about the cruelty of war and important remarks.

The picture "Fierce" in itself is a reminder of the hard will and the stubbornness of people in the fight against evil and in the wake of their values ​​to inspire at the most twisted moments. Vaughn tells us about the importance of the world that Peremogi over the enemy. I obov'yazkovim yoga punishment for barbarian deeds.

"Different lands - different values"

The work of the mitzva "Different lands - different values" is an effort to show differences in the mentality between the krains. On the canvas, our military guard is guarding a matir with a child, and a charge from him is an occupant, who is to transport the loot from Ukraine.

This painting by Andriy Sinyuk, you can get to the YouTube channel of which you can reach us https://www.youtube.com/@andriy-synuk, showing the contrast between two worlds - the world of war and violence, represented by the occupier, from the world of the earth, with love and love, we will represent the Ukrainian soldier, mother and child. Viyskov
