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Euroruberoyd or pvc membrane, which is better and how to choose?

Євроруберойд або пвх мембрана, що краще і як визначитися?

Vybіr mіzh єvroruberoydom and PVC-membrane to lay down due to various factors, such as the budget, even to the point of transferring zastosuvannya. Let's take a look at the skin from these materials in the report:

Eurorouberoid rolled:

Properties: affordable price in pvc-membrane, good flexibility, resistance to mechanical damage, wide choice of finishes and colors.
Shortcomings: less longevity with a pvc-membrane lining, may require regular maintenance and covered with sour balls.

Polyvinyl chloride membrane:

High durability (please call for a guarantee for 20-30 years), resistance to ultraviolet vibration, chemically stable, without additional maintenance, high level of tightness.
Nedoliki: more high vartity porovnya z evrorouberoydom, surroundings choose ozdoblen ta kvіtіv.

When choosing between two materials, it is recommended to pay the following factors:

  • Budget: Depending on your furnishing budget, Euroroofing may be an affordable option. If you have enough money, PVC membrane can be more long-term and better solutions for a long-term perspective.
  • Vimogi to the point: If you need more durable and long-term coverage, PVC membrane can be the best choice, the shards will sound more trivalent terms of service and high tightness. Since you don't have much special power and the budget is a key factor, euroruberoid can be a good option.
  • Peredbachuvane zastosuvannya: Take a look and understand the operation, climate, and understand the particularity of a particular object. For example, PVC-membrane can be as short as it can be, because the cover can be great, or it can be soft to the point of drowsiness, so it can have good resistance to ultraviolet vibration.

Whether you like it or not, it is recommended to consult with a professional life specialist or an engineer, so that the stench could assess your specific needs and make recommendations based on the mental minds of that could.

Which of these materials is better for the Kiev region?

For the Kiev region, when choosing between euroroofing material and PVC membrane, the following factor should be paid:

  • Climatic mind: The Kyiv region is characterized by a moderately continental climate, with warm summers and cold winters. For such minds, it is important to choose a material that will be resistant to extreme temperatures, drops, as well as possible atmospheric splashes, such as wood, snow and wind.
  • He stole the dahu If it was a great stunt, then it is important to choose the material, which copes well with water supply and does not allow leakage. PVC membrane sound may be good waterproofing power and may be more suitable option for any occasion.
  • Budget: As the budget is the most important factor, then euroruberoid can be a more economical option, the shards may sound lower than the variance of the PVC membrane.

Obidva materials can be found in the Kiev region, and choose appropriate for your specific needs, budget and benefits. It is recommended that you consult with a professional future manager, who can help you to praise the right decision, depending on the specific factors of your project.
