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Should I trust biometrics?

Стоит ли доверять биометрии

Modern technologies for activating a mobile gadget by its owner's fingerprint today already seem to be a "relic of yesterday". Increasingly, you can find devices capable of identifying or identifying a person by biometric data. For example, the retina of the eye, facial features. At first glance, these options should help increase the level of security and eliminate the human factor (carelessness) during identification. But, against biometrics and its widespread use, there are a number of very well-reasoned arguments:

  • The most vulnerable point is the databases used to store the scanned data. Their hacking and banal information leakage happen quite often.
  • Creating conditions for clear scanning is not a system for a person, but vice versa. For identification, the user will have to, for example, remove lenses, maintain the same hairstyle, hair color and makeup.

The biometric equipment itself and the software for it are developed and then manufactured by private companies without any state control. There are no clear concepts and standards for the conditions of storage, confidentiality of the provided biometric data.

Can I opt out of providing my biometric data

In domestic legal and legal legislation, there are no rules for refusing to provide your biometric data. They are removed without any written guarantee of confidentiality:

  • At the visa service when applying for a foreign passport.
  • In office centers to identify employees or one-time visitors.
  • In swimming pools and fitness centers.

You can conduct biometrics (your own or another person) yourself using a special program installed on your mobile phone. The developers of such a utility can easily access information processed online. Today, there are quite a few reasons to refuse to perform biometrics to save personal, including banking data.
