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Wastewater treatment plants for car washes from ETE

Станции очистки сточных вод на автомойках от компании ETE

For the effective functioning of a car wash, it is advisable to use specialized cleaning facilities. This is high quality equipment that prevents environmental pollution. Thus, purification of petroleum products must be carried out at a high professional level. We will find out what equipment is used further.

Features of car wash drainage treatment

When opening a car wash, it is advisable to take care of cleaning the drains in advance. For these purposes, it is advisable to use special stations. They are used for any type of sink - both automatic and manual. What are the main advantages of using car wash stations:

  • High level of environmental friendliness.
  • Minimum energy consumption.
  • Possibility of installation in rooms of different sizes.
  • Simplicity and ease of maintenance.
  • Possibility of remote monitoring and control.

As we can see, there are quite a lot of advantages of using cleaning facilities for car washes. Therefore, they must be used in car washes of different sizes.

According to the law, if the car wash was opened without special devices to prevent contamination, administrative liability may arise for this. The fine is imposed on the officials. Therefore, neglecting this action is highly recommended.

Wastewater treatment stations at car washes

There are several options for stations that are used for wastewater treatment. Thus, cleaning for sinks can be performed depending on operating conditions and other factors. There are several types of treatment stations - for cleaning wastewater from cars, large vehicles, rolling stock, etc.

Where to buy high-quality equipment for wastewater treatment at car washes?

The ETE company specializes in the supply of specialized equipment for wastewater treatment in car washes. Its main direction is wastewater purification from petroleum products. To implement ideas in this area, it uses advanced technologies and offers reliable and modern solutions. Using specialized installations, it is possible to remove pollutants of various types - motor oils, petroleum products, heavy metal salts, detergents, glass washers and others. To get acquainted with all the current solutions of the company, you can visit the website. The company's specialists are ready to provide a detailed answer to all questions regarding ordering services.
