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Installation for mechanical screening

Устаткування для механічного просіювання

Sieving is a process that allows you to separate the solid material into fractions based on the size of the particles. This process is widely stagnant in various areas of industry, agricultural rule, everyday life and other areas.

Mechanical screening is based on special possession, which consists of two main elements:

  • The dry material is fed into the screening chamber.
  • In the screening chamber, the material is sifted through a sieve, which is the size of the opening.

Due to the principle of operation, mechanical sieving can be used for various types of equipment.

Vibration screening machines

Vibration screening machines are the most extensive type of equipment for mechanical screening. They work behind the principle of vibration, which is created by a special electric motor. Vibration causes the viscous material to move through the screening chamber and sift through the sieve.

Vibration screening machines can be single or multi-sectional. Single-section machines have one screening chamber, and multi-section machines have a number of chambers, one placed above the other.

Vibration sifting machines can be used to sift various adhesive materials such as:

  • Granules, powder, grit, pebbles, slag, metal shavings, coal, grain, feed, etc.

Cyclonic sifting machines

Cyclonic screening machines operate on the principle of centrifugation. The dry material is fed into the cyclone, where, under the action of centrifugal forces, particles of different sizes are consolidated one at a time.

Cyclonic sifting machines have high productivity and can be used for sifting various adhesive materials, such as:

  • Yeast, zukor, boron, cocoa, plastic, chemicals, metal powders, etc.

Auger processing machines

Auger sifting machines operate on the principle of auger transportation. The dry material is fed into the sifting chamber and then sifted through a sieve using an additional auger.

Auger sifting machines have high productivity and can be used for sifting various adhesive materials, such as:

  • Sand, pebbles, gravel, crushed stone, grain, feed, etc.

Units for mechanical screening

Units for mechanical sieving consist of two or more types of sifting machines, which can operate simultaneously or sequentially. The units allow for complex processing of dry materials, which includes sifting, sorting, crushing and other operations.

Units for mechanical screening can be used in various industrial applications, such as:

  • Harchova's craft
  • Chemical industry
  • Business industry
  • Metallurgy
  • Cement production

Choice of equipment for mechanical screening

The choice of equipment for mechanical screening depends on such factors as:

  • Type of adhesive material that will be sifted
  • Productivity essential
  • Faction size for which it is necessary to divide the material
  • Umovi ekspluatatsii

For screening other dry materials, such as powders, sand, metal shavings, vibrating screening machines are used. For sifting of large dry materials, such as grain, feed, gravel, auger sifting machines are used. To screen a wide range of fractions, cyclone screening machines are used.

For complex processing of adhesive materials, mechanical screening units are used.

Advantages of mechanical screening

Mechanical screening has a number of advantages over manual screening, and itself:

  • High productivity. Mechanical sifting machines can sift materials with productivity tens or even hundreds of times greater than can be done manually. This allows you to significantly speed up the time of sifting, which is especially important on an industrial scale.

  • Change in labor intensity. The screening mechanization allows you to significantly change the number of people required for this operation. This allows for the release of manpower for other tasks, which promotes production efficiency.

  • Dyed color of milled material. Mechanical sifting machines provide more even sifting of the material than can be done by hand. This allows you to remove sifted material with more
