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How to calculate restaurant profitability

Как рассчитать прибыльность ресторана

Catering establishments are a profitable type of business, but only if all factors are properly calculated. It is almost impossible to do this on your own, using a calculator and a sheet of paper. You need a special software product Restaurant Profit Margin, which will take into account all the numerous variables. Allows you to quickly make calculations in the future if changes occur on one or more points.

What you should pay attention to

Both primary and secondary factors are equally important in calculations. You should not overlook the little things, as they can eat into profitability or cause excessive inflation of the cost of food or services provided. Under no circumstances, except for promotional offers, should the restaurant's activities be unprofitable. Important components include:

  • expenses for the purchase of food, raw materials for dishes;
  • alcoholic drinks should be taken into account as a separate category;
  • wages of everyone who works in a restaurant establishment;
  • expenses for the purchase of consumables, napkins, detergents.

Important: public catering is not complete without periodic damage to both kitchen and dining equipment. If you include the purchase of cutlery, plates and other kitchen equipment in the cost of meals, the business will not lose profit. Thanks to a special program, it is possible to take into account almost all variable factors, eliminating the leakage of finances through unaccounted expenses.
