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How to calculate the profitability of a restaurant?

Как высчитать прибыльность ресторана?

A question that is difficult to give a simple answer. There are too many variable factors that affect the real profitability of a cafe, restaurant, canteen or any other catering establishment. Restaurant profit and loss statement is a special program designed to significantly facilitate the work of preparing accurate financial statements.

Why is it difficult to calculate profitability?

Everything is quite simple, the restaurant owner needs to take into account all the variables that are involved in making a profit or, conversely, incur the costs of maintaining the establishment in working order. In order not to face a situation of bankruptcy due to an incorrect understanding of profit, it is worth considering the following basic factors:

  • expenses for mandatory restaurant maintenance;
  • marketing promotion of a trademark, brand;
  • room rental and utility costs;
  • payment for the work of restaurant employees, all personnel;
  • regular purchases of food for the kitchen.

Knowing all the costs that a catering establishment incurs, the owner will know exactly what markup needs to be made on dishes so as not to scare away potential guests, but at the same time always remain profitable. The software product allows you to make reports both for a long period of time and for one day. Including promptly making changes.
