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Infusion of bone metal on the durability of endoprostheses for orthopedic operations

Вплив якості металу на довговічність ендопротезів для ортопедичних операцій

Endoprosthesis has become one of the most effective methods of modernization ear function after serious injuries and cerebrovascular changes. As in a cutaneous surgical procedure, the success of the operation and the effectiveness of the functioning of the endoprosthesis depend on a variety of factors. One of the key aspects is the softness of the material from which endoprostheses are made, oxide metal. Metal components are an important part of current orthopedic implants, and their value, wear resistance and durability may be of paramount importance for the durability of the prosthesis. Let's take a closer look at how the very acidity of the metal affects the effectiveness and reliability of endoprostheses.

Metals in orthopedic prostheses: what options are there?

The market of orthopedic implants today is dominated by a number of types of metal alloys that are used for the creation of endoprostheses. Main options include:

  1. Titanium alloys – are highly valued for their lightness and durability, as well as outstanding biosanity.
  2. Cobalt-chromium alloys are known for their wear resistance and value, making them ideal for patients with high physical demands.
  3. Stainless steel – This is a more economical option, but it offers benefits for durability.
  4. Zirconium-based alloys are innovative materials that demonstrate high resistance to wear and improved biosustainability.

The skin made from these materials has its advantages and shortcomings, which should be considered when choosing a prosthesis.

How does the acidity of metal contribute to the durability of endoprostheses?

The metal components of endoprostheses are constantly subject to significant mechanical stress and friction, especially in the corners, where the structure is constantly exposed. Thus, durability and resistance to wear are critically important characteristics of metals used in orthopedic implants. Let's take a look at a number of main aspects that affect the durability of endoprostheses.

1. Mechanical strength and resistance to wear

The skin texture and skin texture is created by rubbing between the surfaces of the prosthesis, so the durability of the material before wear is of utmost importance. How long should the prosthesis lose its functions? Metals with high wear resistance, such as cobalt-chromium alloys, provide excellent service for endoprostheses at high pressures.

For example, titanium alloys can achieve high value and high friction properties. However, stinks can be associated with cobalt-chromium alloys in the minds of permanent vantagement, which can be linked to the term of their service.

2. Corrosion resistance

Another important aspect is resistance to corrosion. The fragments of the prosthesis are located in the aggressive middle of the human body; metals can succumb to oxidation and corrosion due to the influx of salts present in the tissues. Titanium and its alloys have excellent corrosion resistance, making them a popular choice for implants, especially for those that last a long time.

Corrosion can lead to the creation of microcracks on the surface of the metal, which will soon cause the prosthesis to collapse. The use of high-alloy alloys, such as cobalt-chromium, significantly reduces this cost, resulting in unnecessary service life.

3. Biosanity

For the successful functioning of the implant in the body, it is necessary that the material does not cause irritation or inflammatory reactions. Metals used for endoprostheses must be biosensible so as not to react with the tissues of the body.

Titanium is one of the most biochemical metals, which is often used to create implants. It does not cause allergic reactions and integrates well into cystic tissue. Cobalt-chromium alloys may also have good biosensitivity, but may also cause allergic reactions in patients who are sensitive to nickel.

4. Vaga material

One of the less obvious but important aspects is the value of metal. Titanium is significantly inferior to other metals, such as steel and cobalt-chrome. The lightness of titanium prostheses may be ideal for patients who require high friability or risk of injury to vaginal tension.

Prostheses made of titanium are lightweight, making them comfortable to wear. However, patients who value maximum durability and wear resistance may benefit from cobalt-chromium alloys.

Infusion of metal into a functioning prosthesis

The service life of the prosthesis depends not only on the correct selection of the metal, but also on the quality of its preparation and the implantation process. Various factors such as the accuracy of mechanical processing, the strength of welded joints and surface processing
