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    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
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The necessary contact for drivers in the capital and those who come to Kyiv on business by car

Нужный контакт для столичных водителей и приехавших в Киев по делам на автомобилях

If you are a metropolitan resident who recently started driving a car, or recently moved to Kyiv, have a car and decided to live on the left bank, or recently got a job as a driver in the capital of independent Ukraine, save the company’s website “‎” in the memory of your smartphone Key Kiev" – key.kiev.ua. Why?

This contact is useful, because operating the machine without minor malfunctions is impossible. And in this highly specialized workshop you and your car expect: a gold standard of service, modern equipment, new licensed software and, most importantly, experienced, highly qualified specialists who can solve any problem in their profile.

Services Car key manufacturing center key.kiev.ua in Troeshchyna

It doesn’t matter what class and year of manufacture your car is, whether it’s a passenger car or a cargo/passenger/freight vehicle, at the Kay Center Kyiv, on Chervonoy Kalina Ave., 15, you can receive the following services:

  • repair and production of mechanical, flip and smart car keys;
  • repair and licensed firmware of Mercedes “fish” keys;
  • change the security of locks;
  • repair/replacement of the ignition switch;
  • repair and programming of immobilizers;
  • adjustment (zeroing, decreasing or increasing) indicators of mechanical, electronic or TFT speedometers, as well as mileage indicators in all metering units;
  • emergency car opening.

The specialists of key.kiev.ua can perform some types of the listed services on site, in any district of Kyiv. 

During an air raid, the arrival time of the auto repair shop on wheels key.kiev.ua in some right-bank areas of the capital will be increased, since the Southern Bridge connecting Troieschyna with Obolon and Podil is closed. Therefore, to cross the Dnieper, you will need to make a detour. But the emergency car opening service in Kyiv is only in theory around the clock. It is currently unavailable during curfew.

Repair and maintenance work, both on site and in the key.kiev.ua workshop, will be carried out only if there is an identification document of the client, a vehicle registration certificate and its MTPL insurance.

Why key.kiev.ua?

Many Kyiv drivers and professional drivers who come to Kyiv or pass through it in transit are clients of the Key Kiev Car Key Manufacturing Center. Over 20 years of operation, the company has earned an excellent reputation that stands up to scrutiny both on the Internet and by word of mouth.

The main confirmation of the quality of work of this company’s specialists is the provision of a one-year guarantee for all types of work performed. Among the advantages, we highlight the speed of service, the high competence of the craftsmen, the adequacy of prices and, in comparison with the cost of work at dealer service stations, savings of 30-50%.
