Rosmitivenna goods in Ukraine in Ukrainian PID Hour of Viyni Zeta SEA WAY. Rosmitennya Products - Tse Vuelivius Etap Maiter Torgіvli, especially in the minds of Vіini, if the Logistic is able to be ascended. Companion Sea Way Suns 15 Rockomagau Bushahless Importwati Comes Kitay in Ukrainian, guaranteed Dotromannia Mitnichy Vimog that legwestern norms. Be known to the vartysteen of the goods on the site Sea Way
Basic individual Rosmitennya PID Hour Viyni
VIISKOVI DIA introduced their cure for the Mitn procedure, one of the Zavdyaki dosvіd the professionalism of the Specialalist SEA WAY FLOOK IN AND EXPECTIONAL IITY. Golovni Factor, Yaki Trekhno is divine:
Zmіni at the Midno Lawy - introductory Pilg, Podatyatkovikh is a messenger of the novelty tariffs.
Logistic folding - the non -chiro of the vicoristan of alternative gentry delivery.
Dodatkovі transnings - Rods control of vantazh, transcondition vidpovydosti goods by the standards of nonsense.
Vartism of the Rosmitannnya Kitayu
Rosmittennny goods to the warehouse of pancakes 32% of the Wartosti . In the tsu Suma Enter:
mito - 10%
PDV - 20%
Formula Rozrahunk:
(Vartia to the product in China + Vartia Delivery to Ukraine) × 32% = Vartism Rosmitite.
Lack, Yakshcho goods Koshtuh $ 5,000 , and delivery $ 100 , the sum of Mitnih warehouse $ 1920 .
. . .yak to undergo a Rosmittennya procedure?
Mitn Design - Warehouse process, Vimaga, the knowledge of the dosvіd. Sea Way Beren on itself vanі Etapi:
PIDGOTE TO submitted by non -legged document.
Rozrahunok Mitnih payments of the OPITIMISAI.
Dotrimannya of the Law Norms.
Skvida Pinable Control.
Special Rozrahunka for sickening categorical goods
Acts Grupi Products Mayat Mitnovy Mitnovy Kulimogi. Lack:
AutoMobil - Rosmitennya to lie down, Opa Dvigun, Country of Vobronitvva.
Alcohol, Tyutyunovs of Virobi - require certificate of the Certificate of Certificate.
Technika, Elektronika - I can vimagati of the perdate certificate
Rosmitive container
At the port of the great party goods in containers, it is important to correctly Rozrahuvati Vitrati. Basic Factori, Shuvyati Vygvyatsevo Vartiy:
Code to the product (UKTZED).
Country Mount.
Delivery vart.
Dodatkovі Poddugi (insurance, transfer