The Operathouse system of Videgra, the role of the Stabille Roboti Dvighun, Znbygayuchi Yogo Peregvriv, in front of the heat. Being the unreasonable university, they can be called to call up to the pirivos of the vitrati of the male, incorrect robot to the breakdown of power plants. The mate of that is the service that repair of the dealer systems of auto-mmobil Neckolishly Once upon a time, not mocking critical Naslidkiv.
The main problems of the delay system
The dealer system is warewell to the great component, the skin of the Yaki Vikonuyu. Damage to be one of the Elehemente, it is possible to refresh the SERYOOZHD DVZ. little -looking nurse -shirt, їkhnі. Dear that method of Usurannya.
overheating of the Dvigun
Yakshcho temperature of the motor to overthrow the norm, a fed signal about problems in the system of Okholojennia. You can cause overheating:
- low riven antifreeze through the vitіk of an yogo viparovvannya;
- Vasitshennya of the radiator, the Normal Circular Circulia Okholdjoychychiy
- The non -feasibility of the thermostat, the yaki is not the same to the abstract from the screamed laid;
- breakdown of water pomp, pushing the circular of the rydini.
Vitik Okholodzhuyuchihi Rydini
The zrivnia of the antifreeze can also reject the overheating of the rye rylodzhennya of the Dvigun. Search Vitoku:
- pіd Automobil is sticking out by the dance of Rydini;
- Club of the right to the signal of the Nizysk Ryvnya Antifreez;
- Overheating of the Dvigun to Nasty with the normal regime of Roboti;
For Virishnnya, to know the Mass Vitoku, the deputy nity of the pushno detail that is Antifreez.
Vasichennya radiator
’out of the radiator stimun on the vіddopladyenna, the yaki is an ethnicity to the heat -volume. Searching for Vasichenna:
- Fig a robot of the systems of the Obigrev Salon;
- The temperature of the movement;
- Nervous warrant of the radiator.
Basting of thermostat
Thermostat regali Potіk Okholodzhuychuychi Rydini Mozh Malim I great stake of circulative. Yakshcho vin lamas, the dealer prazu is wrong. Introduction of the injection:
- Dvigun Vete -dovgo warms up, Nonpaks, overheating;
- The temperature of the dvigun is striba for no apparent reason.
For the vita -boss, Roboti Trevybna deputy thermostat is the procedure of inexpensive, Ale is critical for the stable Roboti Dvigun.
yak Zbbіgti to the Injurities of the Okholojenn system?
Schob Ucanity of Poking, Slid Dotrimvatat Kilkokh