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Budіvnitroy Budinkiv Ziapitonon: INNOVNATSINAI Technologies Ta Experte, please

Будівництво будинків з газобетону: інноваційні технології та експертні поради

Aerated concrete, becoming one of the іz nedipopular mother -iliz for іndivoal Budіnitvva in Ukraine. Potnannya is lightly, mijnosti that heating power of power to rob with a matureal vibor for quiet, hto MRIL about comfortable, yergo -delegate that pre -seaming ankle.

Aerated concrete - optimal vibyr for the Council of Budіvnitvva

Keza Patannya Vibra Material for the Budіvnitvy Privatny Budinka, aerated concrete block, it is deserved to receive respect for the yak of profession of professionals, so the private zabudovnik. Practical dosvіd Svіdch, Shi Budinnitsta Budinkiv Ziabeton Mayla low perevag, yaki vitriyvyu yogo vid of traditions Materealiv.

Kozhzhe, hut, zhtang in the process of Budіvnitvva, know, it is important to make the correct vibyr Matereal. Aerated concrete D400-D500 forgetting the optimal balance of the Teplizolyati, the non-scientific buildings. Zapyaki poroti structural, stіni ziabibon "Dikhayut", stares of healthy Mikroclimat at the admission. Before that, aerated concrete block is a hobby of vognestіkiy - not to shit, not to see the toxic richovin with heated.


  • The leap of the Budіvnitvva-the blocks of the great rosemir ZI with the special system of the z'dnannya "Paz-Krebin" allow the zest of the STINI in 3-4 rays Shvidshe, NIZh Zagli;
  • Ekonoya on the scorch - heat of the toe concrete in 3 grooves Nizhch, nіzh at the cowl, and it is pronounced to scorch the bunning of the confusion
  • Ekologa - MaterIAL PEOLES IN THE NEW component (PISKOV, CEMENT, VAPNO, WATER TA aluminіnіva powder) I do not be able to do Shkіdlivikh;
  • Simplicity of inconsistent - aerated concrete is easy to saw, shove off with zvichayniy iztrouns, Shi oving the Oblocadannnya of the Komunikaty Tu, the Zmin at the project;
  • Dovskovy - with the right gas -concrete concrete, an alarm clock serve the 100 Rocks without the explosion characteristics.

Professions Budіelniki PIDAREND, SO ENERGOEGOTYALY BEAUTIVE BUDINGS BUDINGEV, Permanent to 30% on the sickening of the analogical deposits of an analogy Sweeter. Tse important factor in the Councils of the Reali of the Post -Enlarge Zin Tsin on the Energosi.

Technologic persons sprouted aerated concrete Budiel

The technology is correct Budinitvva Budinkiv Zapibuton -Zaporuka MITSNOSTI, above Dovgovysty Vashi Osel. The process of controversy of aerated concrete booty of the same nuance, yaki is not chilly divorced on the skin of Etapi Robit.

The foundation for a gas concrete boot, call the project to Masivne Masivne,
