Today, molybdenum is used in all kinds of industries. It belongs to the rare earth elements, has a silvery tint, and lends itself well to forging. It melts at a temperature of 2610 ° C, and the density becomes 10.2 g /cm 3 . Molybdenum and alloys with it are heat-resistant and elastic, have a low coefficient of expansion when heated. Therefore, to increase such qualities in steel as toughness, strength and corrosion resistance, molybdenum is added. However, this metal is refractory and difficult to process, which increases the cost of production.
Excellent operating recommendations molybdenum pipes cover their significant price. However, they are more reliable than other similar metal products. Molybdenum pipes have such qualities as: strength, resistance to different loads. And also they do not oxidize under the influence of low temperatures and are stable in various aggressive environments (sulfuric, hydrofluoric and hydrochloric), in solutions of acids and alkalis.
Following the technical progress of the current industry, new materials and high technologies are appearing on the market. They are represented by pipes made of refractory metals such as niobium, tungsten, chromium, tantalum. However, the best remains molybdenum pipes, which have exceptional qualities.
Alloying with molybdenum (up to 0.8%) of various steels and alloys, gives them more strength, hardening, hardness, toughness, resistance in an aggressive environment. It is these properties that make it possible to use them in production for very critical parts and assemblies. Molybdenum pipes are used in the aerospace and chemical industries, the defense industry, and nuclear power. They are also used as outlet pipes, sintered pipes, protection of thermoelements, as well as a protective material and targets for application to solar cells.
There is no alternative to these pipes when used in an aggressive environment at temperatures above 1000 ° C, because only they provide high reliability. For the most part, pipes are produced with a diameter of 20-30 mm and a thickness of 1-2.5 mm. Depending on the amount of impurities of chemical elements ( Al, Fe, Ni, Si Ca, Mg, H, O, C, N, Ti, B ), the following molybdenum grades are divided: MCH, MChVP and MBVP.
The quality of manufactured products is controlled at all stages of work, which gives an appropriate guarantee for the characteristics of nominal pipes.