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Romanian Bearing Factory Produces Stainless Steel Jewelry

Румынский завод подшипников выпускает ювелирные изделия из нержавеющей стали
The Romanian factory, which specializes in the production of bearings, diversified its activities and product line by starting the production of stainless steel jewelry. The plant plans to sell new products locally, as well as in other European countries and in Turkey.

Rulmenţi Barlad Bearing Factory is part of the Turkish URB Group, which already has similar experience and the necessary technologies for the production of stainless steel jewelry. URB Chief Executive Officer Mustafa Dingiloglu said that "This activity will allow the company to maintain and even create new jobs." Dingiloglu said that the company can start making new products without any new investments.

The company has already signed a contract with a renowned Romanian designer who will create jewelry models for mass production at the Barlad factory. The company is one of the largest in Eastern Romania. The plant employs more than 1600 employees, the number of which will be increased. The company plans to increase its turnover by about 25 percent to 55 million euros in 2015.

Rulmenti Barlad in 2014 were forced to lay off several hundred workers due to lack of demand for their products. However, the URB Group, together with a team of Romanian executives, is planning to establish a new Group bearing plant in India, which is currently under construction. The management team and skilled workers for the new Indian plant will consist of Romanians.
