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Steel imports in Europe do not decline despite anti-dumping measures

Импорт стали в Европе не снижается несмотря на антидемпинговые меры
The chronic and cumbersome anti-dumping procedure in the European Union is still not very effective. True, over the past ten months, the pressure of steel from China and Russia has decreased, but the data indicate growing imports of rolled metal products from India and Turkey. This is further evidence that narrowing market protection to block specific products by specific companies from specific countries is not very effective.

The data for the last ten years provided by Eurofer shows that the level of imports has already exceeded the pre-crisis level in 2008. Interestingly, in 2016 and 2017, the volume of imports of steel products to the European Union was identical - it amounted to 26.11 million tons. However, the directions from which steel is imported have changed.

In 2016, the list of the largest steel exporters to the Union was headed by China, from where 5.668 million tons were imported to the EU, and Russia, from which supplies amounted to 3.551 million tons. India and Turkey were behind. Imports from these countries amounted to 1.912 million tons and 2.275 million tons, respectively. Last year, imports from India increased to 3.753 million tons and from Turkey to 3.742 million tons. They took the first two places in the ranking. China took third place, the supply of which was limited to 3.441 million tons. Russia with imports at the level of 2.404 million tons dropped to fifth place, having also overtaken South Korea.

If we compare the volumes that were imported from China and Russia with the increase in supplies from India and Turkey, then these values ​​are almost the same.
