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Results of production of MMC of Ukraine in January 2019

Итоги производства ГМК Украины в январе 2019 года
The enterprises of the mining and metallurgical sector in January 2019 produced:

- pig iron - 1.79 million tons (98% relative to December 2018 and 90% relative to January 2018);

- steel - 1.85 million tons (98% and 95%, respectively);

- rolled stock - 1.61 million tons (106% and 95%, respectively).

The decrease in production volumes compared to the corresponding period of 2018 was due to the overhaul and preventive maintenance of the main metallurgical units at a number of enterprises in January.

For the first month of 2019 produced:

- iron ore concentrate - 5.28 million tons (98% compared to January 2018);

- agglomerate - 2.73 million tons (94%);

- pellets - 1.89 million tons (97%);

- gross coke (6% wet) - 0.90 million tons (94%);

- pipe products - 0.09 million tons (105%).

As of February 13, 2019, of the main operating production facilities, 19 out of 21 blast furnaces, 8 out of 9 open-hearth furnaces, 15 out of 16 converters, 6 out of 15 electric furnaces and 15 out of 15 continuous casting machines are in operation.
