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Metinvest reports that Azovstal is operating normally

Метинвест сообщает, что в Азовсталь работает в штатном режиме
The burnout of the mixer and the subsequent pouring of pig iron did not affect the production processes of the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol. According to the press service of the Metinvest management company, the burnout of the mixer will not affect the environment and the production processes of the plant. Currently, a backup method of delivering pig iron from the blast furnace to the converter shop and mixer No. 2 is used.

Earlier it was reported that on July 12, during the technological operation of the metallurgical cycle, mixer No. 1 burned out in the converter shop of the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works. The liquid pig iron that was in the mixer spilled onto the processing site. Fire brigades and employees of the enterprise immediately arrived at the scene, who managed to quickly eliminate the consequences of the incident. There are no casualties or injuries, the shop continues its work as usual.

The company has created a commission that will establish the causes of the accident, calculate the damage and develop a plan for maintaining production facilities.
