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Severstal announces 1Q2020 production results

Северсталь объявляет производственные результаты за 1 квартал 2020 года
PJSC Severstal announces production results for the first quarter of 2020. Hot metal production increased 2% qoq in the first quarter of 2020 to 2.41 million tonnes, up from 2.36 million tonnes in the fourth quarter of 2019 following the completion of short-term maintenance work on blast furnaces. in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Steel production increased 5% to 2.85 Mt from 2.71 Mt in Q4 2019, driven by an increase in the number of castings in Q1 2020 and the completion of short-term maintenance work at steel plants in Q4 2019 of the year. Consolidated steel product sales increased 4% qoq to 2.75 mt in

Q1 2020 compared to 2.65 Mt in Q4 2019. The company increased its share of steel exports to 45% from 41% in Q4 2019 in response to a seasonal slowdown in domestic demand.
