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Ukraine continues to increase export prices for wheat

Украина продолжает увеличивать экспортные цены на пшеницу
Export prices for Ukrainian food wheat continued to rise this week, driven by an uptrend in the Russian market and a decline in the expected global wheat production.

Supply and demand prices for milling wheat with a protein content of 12.5% ​​increased on Wednesday by $ 4-6 per ton, reaching $ 280-287 on FOB Black Sea terms. Wheat prices for 11.5% protein also rose $ 4-6 to $ 278-285 as of Jan. 13, the consultancy said in a report.

Last week, a consulting agency reported that export asking prices for Ukrainian milling wheat reached a six-year high of $ 268 per tonne on FOB Black Sea terms due to strong demand from exporters and significant increases in Russian grain prices.

Ukraine, one of the world's largest wheat producers and exporters, plans to export 17.5 million tonnes between July and June 2020/21. As of January 6, 12.51 million tons of wheat were exported.
