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Ukraine in the world ranking of metallurgical production for 8 months of 2021

Украина в мировом рейтинге металлургического производства за 8 месяцев 2021 года
World production of crude steel for 8 months of 2021 is 1321.93 million tons, which is 10.62% higher than the indicator for 8 months of 2020 (1195.00 million tons).

The first place belongs to the People's Republic of China, smelted 733.02 million tons, which is 5.28% more than in January-August 2020 (696.24 million tons). The percentage of China in the world steel production is 55.5%.

Ukraine ranks 14th among 64 steel-producing countries with a production of 14.59 million tons of steel, which is 6.6% more compared to January-August 2020.

In January-August 2021, metallurgical enterprises of the countries of the world produced 981.960 million tons of pig iron, of which 911.870 million tons were obtained by the blast furnace method and 70.09 million tons were smelted by the direct reduction method. This is 5.47% higher than in January-August 2020.

The PRC leads the world rating of pig iron production, whose metallurgists produced 605.380 million tons of pig iron in January-August 2021, which is 0.59% more than in the corresponding period of 2020. The share of Chinese pig iron in world production for 8 months of 2021 is 61.7%.
Ukraine ranks 10th among 38 countries producing pig iron with smelting of 14.48 million tons, which is 6.8% higher compared to January-August 2020.
