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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions


  • 27.10.2017
    Cameras of home video surveillance
    Cameras of home video surveillance

    The haunted life often sticks with food: did they bother the stove, or did they go to the house? For how much V has deprived an oversized child alone in a booth without a glance, and do you care for her? Abo Vi want nobility, not vashtuvav chi cat or dog pogrom at your house? For the smut of food...

  • 26.10.2017
    Equipping residential premises with electrical equipment
    Equipping residential premises with electrical equipment

    No room can do without electricity, and for this you have to install a variety of electrical equipment. These works should be treated with particular importance. First of all, you should draw up a plan for installing wires and accessories. This, subsequently, will save you a lot of trouble. Two...

  • 26.10.2017
    Benefits of stainless steel handrail
    Benefits of stainless steel handrail

    Stainless steel railings are widely used in various interiors of residential, public and commercial buildings. The prevalence of such designs and their use are due to their excellent aesthetic and technical characteristics. If you look closely at look at stainless steel railings, stainless...

  • 26.10.2017
    Steel structures
    Steel structures

    Steel is a versatile building material that is used at almost every stage of the construction process, right up to the erection of all-metal buildings. Designing and manufacturing of metal structures , including warehouse and aircraft hangars, farms and cowsheds, industrial and commercial...

  • 25.10.2017
    Ceramic tiles for beautiful interiors
    Ceramic tiles for beautiful interiors

    Ceramic tiles are one of the most popular materials for decorating kitchens, bathrooms, and other rooms. This is not surprising, because this material looks great in any interior, and also has a good ability not to collapse due to high levels of humidity, temperature fluctuations, etc. A wide...

  • 25.10.2017
    Container transportation of cars
    Container transportation of cars

    Containers are used to deliver bulk cargo, household appliances, spare parts for cars and cars. Delivery of cars involves several different stages (preparation of documents, loading, transportation by water, dismantling a container from a car, passing through customs, etc.). Additional services...

  • 24.10.2017
    Automated packaging systems
    Automated packaging systems

    Greater productivity gains can be achieved using specific packaging machines or systems here. Not all packaging lines need to be 100% automated for optimal results. A practical approach to packaging line automation is needed that balances hardware costs with budget and automation solutions versus...

  • 24.10.2017
    Prospects for the market of equipment for construction and gardening
    Prospects for the market of equipment for construction and gardening

    Construction is likely to become one of the most dynamic industrial sectors over the next fifteen years, as it is critical to the development of a prosperous society around the world. Products and equipment for construction The construction equipment industry is a classic cyclical market...

  • 24.10.2017
    Boiler room efficiency
    Boiler room efficiency

    Efficiency, stability, reliability, safety - these are the keys to the optimal operation of any facility, and these factors are in the focus of design and construction of boiler houses on silatepla.com ... This article discusses what goes into a well-conducted boiler room assessment....

  • 23.10.2017
    Features of the repair work of Xiaomi smartphones
    Features of the repair work of Xiaomi smartphones

    Xiaomi smartphones are gaining more and more popularity among the population of the whole world. This is due to the high quality of devices of this brand, as well as the ability to use a large number of various useful functions. However, all this does not at all serve as a guarantee that the...

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