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Basics of using the cadastral map

Основы пользования кадастровой карты

The data that are indicated in the cadastral map are basic for understanding not only the location, but also the belonging of this or that object. The source for obtaining this information will be https://roskarta.com/, where data relating to the territory of the entire country is concentrated.

How to use the cadastral map?

  • You need to find a search string on the site.
  • In the found window, you must sequentially enter the data that you need to find or check.
  • The data is entered in a specific order, so you should start with belonging to a specific region, and then in a decreasing sequence.

It is convenient that the data is located on the site not only in the form of information, but also directly on the map itself; when entering, for example, a region, you can also see the name of neighboring objects. It is worth noting that if you enter the data https://roskarta.com/map//moscow when searching for an object, you must specify the exact information, otherwise, it will be impossible to find the object. The same applies not only to the territory of the capital itself, but also to all other regions. Therefore, before starting the search for the necessary objects, it is worth clarifying the data.

If the data was entered correctly, but the object was still not found, then this is a reason to at least deal with this situation. Since, if you do not find out the reasons for the lack of official data, then in the future it will be impossible to carry out any transactions with the object.

It is convenient that on the map you can find detailed information and data on any object, for this it is worth, for example, entering the name of the region, and then on the map by hovering the mouse to study all the necessary information. The map is updated quite often, so the data on it is always correct and timely. But, if the object hit it quite recently, then it is worth waiting for some time, as it may not appear instantly.

You can ask questions of interest about the objects and territory at the specified number of the technical department. For problems related to statements, especially for new facilities, you can also either write an e-mail to the specified address or call directly. In any case, all problems will be solved by specialists in a fairly short time. Therefore, always without much difficulty, knowing just the exact information about the location, you can find out the cost of the object, which is considered cadastral.


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