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What is a check valve? Scope of application

Что представляет собой обратный клапан? Сфера применения

Check valves are devices that prevent the return movement of liquid in the pipeline. With the help of fittings, the internal pressure is reduced, leakage or shutdown of the working pump is excluded. This element must be present in the equipment of plumbing systems. It can be used to ensure the movement of fluid in the desired direction by the pipeline.

Check valve characteristic. What types of this element are there?

Check valve (as here https://ege.com.ua/ite/obratnye-klapany/) - a mechanism that allows the flow of water in the pipeline in only one direction. It is a direct-acting device, since it does not require energy sources or external control for its operation. Closing and opening occurs due to the fact that water moves through it.

How does this mechanism work? The principle of operation is based on the fact that at first the check valve is closed: as a result of the action of the spring, it is closed by a slam. In the event of an increase in water pressure at the inlet, this mechanism opens, and then passes a stream of water through itself. If the pressure drops, the device closes again. This happens because the pressure at the outlet and inlet is the same, which means that the spring force is sufficient to close the mechanism. From the side of the outlet of the apparatus, the slamming occurs water pressure. This prevents her from opening up.

Check valves can be classified as follows:

  • ball;
  • swivel;
  • double leaf;
  • springy;
  • disk.

What kind of work do check valves do? What is their advantage?

The first question that people who do not know about this element will ask is why is it needed and how important is it? The main function of the check valve is to protect the water supply system. It's all about the critical parameters of fluid flows that are transported through the pipeline. Most often, problems arise due to stopping the pumping unit. This can cause damage.

The above devices have more than one advantage. They are compact, easy to dismantle or install, even when it comes to an emergency. Thanks to the main material from which the mechanism is made, cast iron, the strength indicators are quite high. Installation is possible both vertically and horizontally.

If you pick up this unit in a store, do not focus on cost. You should be interested in technical characteristics - pipeline pressure and pipe diameter.
