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    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
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Features of hydraulic equipment repair

Особенности ремонта гидрооборудования

To achieve high pressure and precision, industry often uses hydraulic cylinders to drive a variety of mechanisms. But, as they are used daily or occasionally, the cylinders need repairs. Stand for Disassembling Hydraulic Cylinders, repair and subsequent assembly, will allow you to perform these actions as quickly as possible without wasting consumables.

Difficulty of mechanical repair

Hydraulic cylinders have the smallest possible gaps between moving parts. This is necessary in order to achieve a tight connection. Completely eliminate leakage of oil or special hydraulic fluid. During repair work, specialists must take into account other equally important factors:

  • Quick unscrewing of fasteners, even in a state of corrosion.
  • Dismantling of individual parts while maintaining positioning accuracy.
  • Completely eliminate distortion of parts during assembly of the structure.
  • Be careful with sealing materials.
  • The stand allows you to work with a wide variety of hydraulic cylinders.

The equipment will be in demand not only in a specialized workshop for repairing pneumatic and hydraulic equipment. It will fully justify its cost in the arsenal of a construction company with a large amount of working equipment. Will help you independently carry out repairs of industrial equipment at a manufacturing enterprise.
