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The main characteristics of steel for a knife blade

Главные характеристики стали для лезвия ножа

A high-quality knife that is resistant to wear from everyday or occasional use will be a reliable assistant for any person. But sharpness retention is not the only characteristic that positions steel as suitable for the manufacture of knives for general use and special models. A variety of grades of steel for knives will allow us to produce high-quality products that are guaranteed to be in demand.

What you should pay attention to

Any knife will be used in a variety of conditions. This includes periodic contact with hard surfaces, high humidity and temperature changes. The steel of the blade must confidently cope with all possible loads, while maintaining all the performance characteristics of a regular or special knife:

  1. Optimal ratio of carbon in a metal alloy.
  2. Cobalt and molybdenum will prevent the knife from breaking during use.
  3. Elasticity to impact loads, absence of cracks in the structure of the workpiece.
  4. Chrome and nickel prevent corrosion on the blade.
  5. The easiest way to sharpen a knife is with less carbon.

Additional heat treatment of the blade, after giving the workpiece the required geometry, makes the knife as resistant to negative operating factors as possible. Minimizes the need for frequent sharpening. Allows the owner, if necessary, to use the blade on a rough instrument, without the risk of seriously damaging it.

Variety of knife models

It is precisely because of the wide variety of finished products that there is such a large selection of steel grades. For each goal, you need to choose the one that will best suit the task at hand. The choice of steel is most influenced by the profile of the blade and its actual length:

  • small models for processing vegetables;
  • professional folding knives for tourism;
  • carving, chef's knife for the kitchen;
  • universal, home kitchen knife;
  • table, necessary for cutting ready-made food.

For most models, manufacturers prefer to choose steel grades that are not subject to corrosive processes. But, in some cases, iron without chromium and nickel can give a better result. High hardness can provide high-quality sharpening, but is prone to chipping when in contact with hard objects.
