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How to re-register real estate sold by an individual entrepreneur as an individual

Как переоформить недвижимость, проданную ИП как физическое лицо

For many property owners the need to part with property becomes a serious challenge that requires a professional approach. After all, a successful transaction when selling a home requires not only negotiation skills, but also an understanding of the law, experience in market analysis and the ability to use the capabilities of modern technologies.

In this article we will focus on the key stages of the process, sharing useful tips and tricks that will help you complete a successful transaction without unnecessary difficulties. Be prepared for the fact that selling a home as an individual requires time, effort and consistency.

How to prepare documents for transfer of ownership?

List of required documents for the transaction

When carrying out a property sale transaction, it is important to have certain documents with you that confirm your ownership of the property and are necessary to enter into a legally binding contract with the buyer. These documents will be the basis for processing the transaction and protecting your interests in case of disputes.

Before putting your property up for sale, make sure that you have the following documents: the owner’s passport, an extract from the Unified State Register, a technical passport for the property, a purchase and sale agreement (if the property was purchased), acceptance certificates, documents on the right to inheritance or other form of acquisition of property.

In addition to the main documents, you may also need documents confirming the cleanliness of the property (conclusion on the absence of encumbrances, etc.), a certificate of absence of arrears in payment of utilities, permits for construction or reconstruction (if necessary).

Determination of the current value of residential real estate:

To determine the price of real estate, it is necessary to take into account both external factors and internal characteristics of the property in order to offer a market value that will be attractive to buyers.

The main methods for assessing the value of real estate are:

  • Comparative approach, which allows you to compare prices for similar objects on the market
  • Income approach, taking into account the potential income from the use of real estate
  • Cost approach based on estimating the costs of construction or restoration of an object

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and determining the value of real estate is usually carried out using several approaches simultaneously.

Country real estate is always popular among buyers, so for a successful sale it is recommended to conduct a thorough assessment and determine the most attractive price.

Source: country real estate

Real estate valuation methods: choosing the most accurate

The comparative method is one of the most common methods of real estate valuation, based on an analysis of the prices of similar properties on the market. This takes into account the location, size, layout and other characteristics of the object.

Income method is an approach based on the potential income that a property can generate. The assessment is based on rent, rate of return and other financial indicators.

Cost method is a method based on estimating the costs required to recreate or replace real estate. The cost of construction, renovation, repair and other costs are taken into account.

Independent examination is a method in which the assessment of real estate is carried out by the owner’s own efforts. Appraisers take into account all the features of the property and the current state of the market.

How to register ownership of housing?

One of the important stages in a real estate transaction is obtaining ownership of a residential property. To do this, you must complete all the necessary documents and carry out the property registration procedure. Proper execution of documents guarantees the protection of the rights of the new owner and avoids potential problems in the future.

Steps to prepare papers for the new owner

After completion of the transaction for the transfer of rights to the property, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for registering all the necessary documents for the new receiving party. This process includes a number of steps that must be completed to ensure the legal validity of the transfer of property.

How to attract potential buyers for your property?

  • Place ads on popular online real estate sites.
  • Promote your ad on websites and social networks to attract more potential buyers
