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Features of testing industrial hydraulic cylinders

Особенности испытаний гидроцилиндров промышленных

Any hydraulic equipment operates under high pressure conditions. Even a small deviation from the norm can lead to tragic consequences. Inspection stand Hydraulic cylinderswill allow you to make sure in advance that important elements of the mechanism drive are in full working order. They can be safely installed after current or major repairs.

What happens during the testing process

A hydraulic cylinder, during everyday operation, can encounter loads of varying strength and dynamism. Special equipment not only creates the maximum permissible pressure for a given cylinder model, but also simulates work with variable loads. Thanks to this approach, during testing, it is possible to achieve several test results at once:

  1. No hydraulic fluid leaks.
  2. Integrity of all sealing materials and gaskets.
  3. The hydraulic cylinder is stable along its entire working length.
  4. Pulse loads do not lead to depressurization.
  5. In general, withstands all permissible hydraulic loads.

Thanks to automation, the operator does not need to constantly change and record the received data. The equipment will independently carry out the entire test cycle included in the program with the output of the obtained data. After checking, the hydraulic cylinders can be considered fully operational and can be installed in any, even the most critical, mechanisms.

What you need to pay attention to

In order for the tests to be as objective as possible, a number of technical and operational features must be considered. The hydraulic fluid reservoir must contain a special oil with a certain density. In addition, to ensure that the data does not contain incorrect indicators, it is necessary to observe a number of additional, important indicators:

  • tests only in a certain temperature range;
  • change to new hydraulic fluid in a timely manner;
  • connect the hydraulic cylinder securely to the testing apparatus;
  • after completing the check, drain the remaining oil;
  • adjust the device to the specified technical parameters before testing.

The last point is the most important. Each hydraulic cylinder has its own unique technical and operational characteristics. These are the ones you should focus on before starting the tests. Deviations from the norm may lead to damage to the hydraulic part. Or incorrect data due to insufficient pressure when checking the tightness of the structure.
