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Cloud service for reporting and document flow

Облачный сервис для подачи отчета и документооборота

Errors or delays in filing tax reports by legal entities lead to the imposition of significant fines. In some cases, it is simply not technically possible to create such a report and send it in a timely manner. There is no access to a work computer during a trip abroad or on vacation. The SOTA cloud web service will help solve this problem (https://stcentr.com.ua/sota/ - details are presented here) . A software product from the well-known company Linkos Group (developer M.E.Doc) opens up three functionality at once:

  • Carrying out electronic document management with any types and volumes of sent or received files.
  • Perform mandatory cash transactions with the generation of checks during settlements.
  • Generation and online submission of reports to the tax authority at the place of registration of the legal entity.

SOTA software is becoming increasingly popular due to its simplicity and portability. The user does not need to purchase a computer and branded keys to access his accounting. The program can be easily launched via the Internet from a mobile gadget.

Additional benefits

The SOTA program seamlessly connects to any type of CEP, provides instant import and export of documents, and compiles and submits reports. The full range of functionality of the PPO program has already included fast fiscal registration of checks with the ability to send them by email to customers and simultaneous automatic generation of reports. The work does not require programming skills. The software has a clear menu and a completely logical interface.

The user receives a full set of reference books and support from support specialists. It is possible to receive free consultation on all accounting issues that arise.

Basic requirements for gaining access

You can get more complete information and get acquainted with the capabilities of SOTA programs using the website https://stcentr.com.ua/sota- kasa/ company, which is the official distributor of the Linkos Group corporation and a partner of the ACCC "Ukraine".

To get started using the SOTA web service, you need to perform several preliminary steps.

  • Install a crypto provider.
  • Obtain a key certificate from the ACCC center.

Customers are provided with licensed software for accounting automation on contractual terms. It is suitable for enterprises with a wide variety of ownership forms and areas of commercial activity.
