Due to methods of influence, such as vibration, friction, pressure on the human body, muscles relax, blood circulation improves. This has a positive effect on both emotional and physical health in general. By doing back massage , you can get rid of such troubles as stress, poor posture, back and neck pain, and even headaches and low blood pressure.
Therapeutic massage
The massage technique has been developed over the years, and has several unchanged rules. All actions are carried out gently, the patient should not feel discomfort or pain. Before starting, the hands are stretched so that they become warm and sensitive. A special gel or oil is applied to the back to improve gliding on the skin.
Dealing with stress
Due to the feeling of touch, a person concentrates on the moment here and now, which allows him to forget about troubles and problems. In addition, massage has a positive effect on the muscles by relaxing them. This is a great way to fight chronic fatigue, boost immunity and fight insomnia.
Such massage is needed for residents of big cities who are in constant motion, people with high mental and physical stress, for those who are tired or in a difficult life situation.
High blood pressure
To increase blood circulation in case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, massage is recommended. In addition, it strengthens the tone of the heart muscles, eliminates congestion and normalizes blood pressure. Hypertension of any stage is also treated, but there are some contraindications, so it is better to consult a specialist.
Massage has a positive effect on human health through the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Provides peace of mind through muscle relaxation and pleasant sensations