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We protect furniture when moving

Защищаем мебель при переезде

As statistics show, any family at least once in their life is faced with an apartment move. Difficulties arise not only with fragile glass items, but also with large furniture. Even an insignificant distance transportation of furniture Dnepr should not lead to physical damage to sofas, beds and chairs. Nothing is more frustrating than losing the attractiveness of the things you encounter every day.

Preparation, the best defense

Any furniture manufacturer knows for sure that it perfectly withstands static loads, but is not at all designed for dynamic (vibration, shaking). At such moments, especially large cabinets, walls, kitchen sets can be irreversibly damaged.

Important: any cabinet furniture must be disassembled! This is the main rule that must be strictly obeyed.

To other, equally useful tips, you can add:

  1. Never carry other items inside the furniture.
  2. Protect all varnished surfaces with cardboard sheets, you can use old cardboard boxes.
  3. Bubble film is excellent protection for glass elements.
  4. Thin construction foam and stretch film are great alternatives to cardboard.
  5. Don't skimp on tape.

Form separate packages from disassembled furniture. In terms of size and weight, so that they can easily fit into the elevator, they can be carried by a loader or by you personally. Items that are too heavy can be dropped, thereby damaging the furniture during transportation.

What to do if the furniture cannot be disassembled

Antique sofas, armchairs and even monolithic tables may really not be disassembled, or the process of disassembling will lead to breakdowns. In this case, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will have to pack the whole piece of furniture. At the same time, its transportation will cost the owners dearly:

  • the corners should be packed especially well;
  • remove hardware if possible;
  • secure the doors firmly with tape when closed;
  • additionally wrap the legs with cardboard;
  • make sure the piece of furniture fits in the car.

The last tip will be from the practical side. It is expensive to transport furniture on your own in an ordinary passenger car and there is a possibility of damage to the car. The truck of the transport company will cope with this task much faster. As a rule, the inside of the body is covered with a special shock-absorbing fabric, which reduces the likelihood of damage when disassembled or fully assembled
