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Where to buy a 100 amp (Ah) battery at a low price - Varta, Inci Aku, Vega, Mutlu in Kiev and Ukraine?

Где купить аккумулятор 100 ампер (ач) по низкой цене  - Varta, Inci Aku, Vega, Mutlu в Киеве и Украине?

Such a large capacity battery is perfect for cars with a large engine and equipped with a significant number of energy consumers. To ensure the comfort of their passengers, executive cars can be equipped with GPS navigation, heated seats, an audio system, heated windows and rear-view mirrors. It is not uncommon for a car to be equipped with television and climate control. All of these devices are powered by electricity. And the engine cannot provide them with energy from the generator in a constant mode. Especially during parking.

Such a large battery will work perfectly with the diesel engine of a small truck, giving it the ability to work even in city mode. When, in just one working day, he can make up to hundreds of engine starts. And the ragged type of charge does not affect the survivability of the product in any way.

In the catalog https://ugt.in.ua/akb-avto/20-435 presented 100 amp batteries for commercial vehicles and large sedans and crossovers. And depending on the operating conditions and the type of car, each driver will be able to choose the electronic device he needs.

Battery INCI AKU 6 CT-100-R Start-Stop EFB Europe L5 100 092 013

Operation in city mode negatively affects not only the internal combustion engine, but also the electrical power source. But the domestic manufacturer took care of this, and covers the lead plates with a small layer of calcium. It reliably protects the active plates during operation from all types of corrosion and allows the product to work normally for a fairly long period.

At a normal rate of 100 Amperes /hour, the starting current is at 950 Amperes. This gives a 100% guarantee of starting any engine at temperatures from -45 degrees to +50.

The manufacturer is so confident in the quality of the manufactured products that he is ready to give a 36 month warranty from the date of sale. And the instruction manual states that if you follow simple rules, you can easily achieve satisfactory performance even after 7 years of battery life. You can buy it on the page https://ugt.in.ua/akkumulator-inci-aku-6-ct-100-r-start-stop-efb-evropa-l5-100-092-013 of the AKB online store website "Ukraine Global Trading".

MUTLU 6 CT-100-R S2 Europe L5.100.083.A

The Turkish manufacturer also has in its line of starter batteries a product with a nominal capacity of 100 Ampere /hour. It is not for nothing that Turkish products are deservedly popular with car manufacturers. It has excellent performance that does not tend to decrease for the worse over time. The battery is designed for a wide range of applications, and can be normally installed on cars operated in our country. Temperature drops, urban cycle, periodic downtime without recharging will not cause the product to fail. They will allow you to confidently trust the car in any life situations.

If your car belongs to the premium class, and is equipped with a significant number of electronic systems, Mutlu will be the ideal solution for installation under the hood.

VEGA 6 CT-100-R Premium Europe

The battery will show its best sides with the arrival of winter cold weather. It is during this period that the starting current is a very important characteristic. 830 Amperes will allow you to confidently start a diesel or gasoline engine in the most severe winter. Even if, for any reason, there was a significant loss of electricity, there will be enough residual to start the motor in operation, and in the process to return the lost capacity.

But just in case, the manufacturer took care of the timely indication of the lack of charge, and installed a corresponding beacon on the battery case. In terms of its characteristics, it is ahead of most competitors, and will be a reliable energy supplier for all consumers.

Separately, you can write out the main advantages of the Ukrainian Vega battery:

  • works great in a machine with large energy demands;
  • the use of PowerFrame technology in the production of active lead plates has increased the life of the battery as a whole;
