Suchasnі technologists bumped into both the financial sphere and document management. Now, in order to officially sign a document, not obov'yazkovo vodravlyat yogo at the paper's courier in the next end of the place to wind into the other little corner of the country. Secure Token 338M - a special USB storage device, on which the electronic signature of the company's official or a significant enterprise is known .
Special features of the ECP corpus
Company TOV LVOLLET deals not only with the creation of a unique electronic signature on a protected nose, but also assists in creating individual data. The key is to avenge the cryptographic data set, which is impossible to break. Vіn daє I can identify a unique koristuvach. Before the main issues of choosing an electronic digital signature, the following factors must be entered:
- High guarantee of the integrity of the document in the process of exploitation.
- Accurate identification of the correspondent who is signing the document.
- Impossibility for the future to appear due to the authorship of the overwritten signature.
- Simplity of daily electronic document management.
- Remotely reintroducing the broad re-importance of sovereign services.
Important: to see alternative ways to get the key, Secure Token 338S guarantees the best price theft. The key is permanently known in the hands of only a single individual. You can keep it safe in a safe and don’t worry that a third-party person can copy it to another nose.
The principle of working with a USB token
Vyrobnik vikoristovuє for the creation of keys as much as possible nadіynі nії, the term of service such as with all kinds of needs to become at least 25 years from the moment of purchase. The principle of operation is as simple as possible, in order to remove your electronic signature, it is necessary to insert an accumulator at the standard roses of a stationary computer or a laptop. Add to other features of the warto:
- the key on the nose is missing, as it was more lower than 7 try to choose a password;
- enough memory on the nose for the key and additional information;
- dekіlka standards for electronic signature;
- the physical nature of the key itself in a metal or plastic case.
Don't underestimate the importance of an electronic signature in today's world. The key Secure Token 337F provides access to broader opportunities for doing business with near and far partners. I will ask for documents from the tax service and other sovereign bodies.