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Professional organization for the protection of industrial enterprises

Профессиональная организация охраны производственных предприятий

It is not only high and strong fences that help prevent the theft of material assets from a manufacturing enterprise. To exclude such problems, as well as unauthorized entry of outsiders into the territory, a whole range of special preventive measures is required. Professional protection of industrial enterprises is carried out taking into account:

  • The areas of workshops and the adjacent territory of the facility.

  • Product specifics.
  • Locations (for example, within the city limits or away from settlements).
  • Number of employees and modes of operation.

Services for evaluating all the listed parameters and designing a security system (method) on a commercial basis are provided by specialists of the CARDINAL security corporation.

Development of a technical equipment project and access options

Preliminary calculations and design are carried out by the specialists of the enterprise at the request of the client. Full-time technical and security service organization specialists will conduct the necessary survey, draw up a schematic plan:

  • They will offer the best options for the type of access system - it will prevent the penetration of outsiders and theft through the checkpoint.
  • They will check and select security officers - quite often it is the “watchmen” who commit theft and become the organizers of major theft.
  • They will draw up a project for the organization of an alarm and video surveillance system - their presence will reduce the number of staff units of the security service.

As an additional service, fire alarms and automatic fire extinguishing (smoke removal) systems are calculated. An expedient place for installing the panic button is determined. The risks of a raider takeover of an enterprise and measures to eliminate them are being studied.

Free consultation and preliminary calculation

You can get more complete information about the services provided by the specialists of the CARDINAL security corporation using the company's official website. A free preliminary consultation of clients interested in cooperation is carried out by a competent employee by phone or via Internet messengers.

The preliminary cost of services for the creation of an integrated security system for an industrial enterprise is carried out at the request of the client. The form to fill out is presented on the main page of the Internet resource. All customers are guaranteed a professional approach to the fulfillment of tasks, affordable tariff rates and the shortest possible time.

All activities are carried out after the conclusion of a formal contract. Complete confidentiality of corporate data provided for study is ensured.
