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Features of choosing entrance doors

Особенности выбора входных дверей

The safety and comfort of any apartment or private house directly depends on the strength of the door. In addition, modern entrance doors made in Russia must comply with other, no less important operational characteristics. Only in this case will they benefit the property owner. They will not need to be changed for just a few years of daily use.

The secret of the popularity of metal doors

Modern design is not just a metal sheet with canopies and a welded lock. Thanks to their multi-layer construction, such doors not only look attractive, but also retain heat inside the room. The metal base, as before, serves as an insurmountable barrier for most burglars:

  • an additional insulation element absorbs sounds from the street or entrance;
  • the presence of stiffening ribs intelligently distributes the load on the door leaf;
  • hidden door hinges cannot be damaged by rough tools;
  • well-chosen fittings make everyday use easier;
  • there are several classes of resistance to physical hacking.

Decorative finishing completes the design of a modern metal entrance door. This door leaf serves as a decoration for the entrance to your own property. Provides comfortable, quiet conditions and does not serve as an element of heat leakage from the living space.

What else is worth paying attention to

Doors have physical dimensions; they must coincide with the opening in the wall, otherwise additional tools will be required for installation. The appearance of the decoration is a matter of taste of the owner of the house or apartment. They do not affect performance in any way. Two locks of different designs are better than a single one, even of the most modern design.
