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Who are catalyst buyers?

Кто такие скупщики катализаторов

If your vehicle has a catalytic converter, it is important to check the condition of the filter regularly. There are a number of factors that lead to premature wear of a part: driving on poorly equipped roads, using low-quality fuel, driving at high speeds, etc.

Many drivers leave a worn or broken catalyst lying around in the garage or forget it at a service station. However, this is not a very good solution - the spare part can be sold profitably by reading the terms of the deal at katalizatory .kiev.ua.

How do catalytic converter buyers work and why do they need worn filters? We have prepared answers to all these questions.

Why do people buy old catalysts

Car catalysts are necessary to clean exhaust gases from harmful impurities that are produced during fuel combustion. They can escape through the pipe to the outside, thus polluting the environment. A special filter makes the car safer for the planet and human health. The main thing is to promptly change it as it gets dirty.

How does the exhaust gas purification process take place? Due to a chemical reaction in which valuable metals enter into toxic compounds. A thin layer of platinum, palladium and rhodium is applied to the catalytic converter plates, trapping and removing harmful compounds.

It is precisely because of the presence of valuable metals that catalysts can be sold at a profit even after their service life has expired. Using special equipment, buyers can separate platinum or rhodium for further resale.

How catalyst buyers work

Today you can sell your old broken or worn out catalyst online. Companies can remotely assess the condition of a spare part:

  1. According to the photograph. Just send several photos of the catalyst from different angles to the chat so that specialists can assess its condition: presence/absence of defects.
  2. By serial number. Having punched it through the database, it is possible to clarify the factory characteristics of the part. Including the original amount of valuable metals, case material, etc.

Additionally, after sending the catalyst by mail or delivering it to the company’s office, you can request a more accurate spectral analysis.

Immediately after assessing the part, buyers can set a price. If necessary, contact several companies to compare prices. Avoid buyers who set a price for the catalyst even without inspecting it - it is usually standard and minimal. If the part does not have too obvious defects or signs of wear, you can sell the filter for $800-$1,200. Catalytic converters with a ceramic body are more expensive. As well as models installed on modern cars of Japanese, American and German production.
