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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Польские производители арматуры ограничивают производство Polish valve manufacturers limit production

    Rebar prices in Poland fell again due to weak demand, and local steel mills cut production, and higher costs began to take their toll, sources told Fastmarkets on Friday, May 26. Official proposals from two local manufacturers were published earlier in the week. at PLN 2,900 (USD 690) per tonne CPT...
    31.05.2023  11:24
  • Продажи «Норникеля» в Европе падают на фоне добровольных санкций и смещения в сторону Азии Sales of Norilsk Nickel in Europe fall amid voluntary sanctions and a shift towards Asia

    Sales of nickel, copper and other Norilsk Nickel products to Europe declined in 2022, reflecting "voluntary sanctions" from some traditional partners. According to a recent presentation by company vice president Vladimir Zhukov, Europe accounted for 47% of Norilsk Nickel's sales last year,...
    29.05.2023  11:19
  • Южнокорейская POSCO строит сталелитейный завод для китайского рынка электромобилей South Korean POSCO builds steel plant for Chinese electric vehicle market

    South Korean POSCO Holdings said it has completed a Giga Steel refinery in east China to meet the future needs of the Chinese electric vehicle market. The plant, located in China's Suzhou processing hub, is set to anticipate the expanding market for Giga Steel used in green electric vehicles...
    29.05.2023  11:11
  • Nippon Steel увеличивает мощность производства листов из электротехнической стали Nippon Steel Increases Electrical Steel Sheet Production Capacity

    Japan's Nippon Steel has announced an investment of around 213 billion yen in its Setuchi and Kyushu plants to increase production capacity and improve the quality of non-oriented electrical steel sheet products. With stricter regulations on car carbon emissions and average fuel consumption, the...
    22.05.2023  14:40
  • Производство стали в Германии снизилось в апреле Steel production in Germany fell in April

    According to the German Steel Federation (WV Stahl), crude steel production in Germany fell 3.8% year-on-year in April to about 3.19 million tonnes. Meanwhile, German iron and hot-rolled steel production was 2.07 million tons and 2.73 million tons, down 3.4% and 7.2% from last year. In the first...
    22.05.2023  14:39
  • Японская электростанция Хоккайдо начала производить водород Japan's Hokkaido power plant starts producing hydrogen

    Japanese electric power company Hokkaido Electric Power has begun producing hydrogen in the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido and plans to store excess renewable energy through water electrolysis. In addition, Hokkaido plans to use hydrogen to cool generators and fuel cell vehicles. The...
    21.05.2023  11:53
  • Автомобильная промышленность Великобритании не готова к последствиям Brexit The UK car industry is not ready for the consequences of Brexit

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the UK automotive industry is calling on the government to develop an industrial strategy that will create attractive investment conditions for cutting-edge automotive production. Mike Hawes, CEO of the Society of Automotive Manufacturers and Traders...
    19.05.2023  11:42
  • Производство стали в Китае сократилось в апреле Steel production in China fell in April

    In April, crude steel production in China was about 92.64 million tons, down 1.5% year on year, according to China's National Bureau of Statistics. In terms of provinces, Hebei has been the leading province in crude steel production with a volume of almost 20 million tons. The next provinces...
    19.05.2023  11:40
  • Украина собирается изъять у России долю в Запорожстали Ukraine is going to withdraw from Russia a stake in Zaporizhstal

    President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on May 12 signed decrees imposing sanctions on 13 individuals and 28 legal entities that helped Russia retain control over the Ukrainian steel company Zaporizhstal, according to the president's official social media account on Friday, May 12. President...
    17.05.2023  12:30
  • Электропечи Тайваня столкнутся с повышением тарифов на электроэнергию летом Taiwan's electric furnaces to face higher electricity tariffs in summer

    Taiwan's annual summer electricity pricing scheme began on May 16. Approximately 25,000 high-voltage electricity customers, including the semiconductor, steel and petrochemical industries, will charge higher summer tariffs from May 16 to October 15, extended from June 1 to September 30 the previous...
    17.05.2023  12:29
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