NTMK is currently constructing a new mill of this manufacturer at full capacity. This construction promises about 100 jobs in the production of grinding balls. It is planned that the mill under construction will produce about 130,000 tons of products over one year.
This news could lead to big changes in the domestic market. Since in the new building 5 hardness groups will be released into balls. Our domestic factories usually buy such balls abroad. Accordingly, if the production of this product begins, imports for it will decrease, which will affect the recovery of the economy of the entire country as a whole.
According to the data provided, the mill will begin its work at the end of this year.
Evraz plans to invest about one billion rubles in construction, as all leading enterprises are showing great interest in the future products of this enterprise.
Big changes are coming at NTMK production
Azovpromstal® 18 February 2017 г. 13:06 |