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Angela Merkel: Nord Stream 2 is not a threat to diversify gas supplies

Ангела Меркель: Nord Stream 2 не является угрозой для диверсификации поставок газа
“We have different views on Nord Stream 2. We believe that this is an economic project and we believe that Nord Stream 2 does not pose a threat to diversification, ”German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Friday.

This was the answer given by the Chancellor to the statement that Nord Stream 2 is a political issue and concerns the serious threats that may arise during the creation of Nord Stream 2.

“We believe that this is an economic project. We are also a diversification of energy in Germany, and we want Ukraine to have a diversification of gas, but we believe that the Nord Stream does not pose a threat to diversification, ”Merkel said.

Intensive dialogue will continue in the form of intergovernmental consultations between the EU countries when the Germans form a government. “Hopefully it will happen soon,” she said.