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Ukraine can replace a billion cubic meters of Russian gas with its garbage

Украина может заместить миллиард кубометров российского газа своим мусором
Thanks to the generation of energy from garbage, Ukraine can replace the equivalent of up to a billion cubic meters of natural gas annually.

“Garbage is a resource that can be turned from an environmental problem into an energy source and a growth point for the domestic economy,” said Sergei Savchuk, chairman of the State Energy Efficiency Agency, in an interview with Channel 7.

Therefore, the State Energy Efficiency Agency has already developed not only a concept, but also a number of bills to stimulate the energy utilization of municipal solid waste.

The main idea is to create legislative conditions according to which it will be profitable for businesses to install "waste-to-energy plants" and take waste to factories, and not to landfills or forest.

This practice is common in European countries. For example, Sweden recycles almost 100% of municipal solid waste and even imports it from other countries.

Therefore, according to the developed concept and draft laws, it is envisaged:

  • provide guarantees to investors for the supply of certain volumes of waste for recycling

  • introduce long-term contracts for the management of household waste;

  • create incentives for the construction of waste-to-energy plants;

  • establish clear tariff rules for energy waste management services (gate fee)

  • to establish legislatively environmental requirements for enterprises of the waste processing industry;

  • to establish a waste management system at the municipal level;

  • increase responsibility for the disposal of waste in unauthorized landfills;

  • create a transparent market in this area.

Waste processing plants will be able to generate income from:

  1. heat and electricity production;

  2. waste recycling;

  3. sale of secondary raw materials and /or alternative fuels.

According to experts, thanks to the production of energy from waste, it is possible to replace the equivalent of up to 1 billion m³ of gas per year.
