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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions


  • 31.12.2017
    Shop for everyone
    Shop for everyone

    Bolf Once you've finished building a store, don't make a mistake. Aje in the online store Bolf, you can create a stylish and cholovy image. Perevagi Mazazin: Assortment. There is a wide variety of performances for any kind of relish. The store has two lines of business:...

  • 31.12.2017
    Education abroad
    Education abroad

    Studying abroad is not only high and high-quality knowledge. Studying abroad provides an opportunity to expand your worldview, test your strength and determine your goals for the future. This is a great opportunity to get the makings of a head start. First of all, to study abroad you need student...

  • 29.12.2017
    Overview of segment bending machine with manual drive MTS 2520
    Overview of segment bending machine with manual drive MTS 2520

    Segmental sheet bender MetalMaster MTS 2520, characterized by high-quality performance and durability, is used to obtain complex configuration products from sheet metal. At the present time, equipment of this type is in demand and popular at enterprises engaged in the manufacture of cassettes...

  • 29.12.2017
    Consulting services
    Consulting services

    Valuation and Modeling Services help you make confident decisions and improve your business results. From capital to fixed assets, real estate portfolios, intellectual property, intangible assets and securities valuation by the team of "Appraisal Plus" company helps clients evaluate, manage and...

  • 29.12.2017
    Key properties and main applications of hot rolled steel
    Key properties and main applications of hot rolled steel

    Hot rolled steel sheet is a common type of rolled metal that is in high demand in industry and manufacturing. The high level of demand for this type of rolled metal is explained by its low price and excellent performance characteristics. Used as a basis for the subsequent manufacture of metal...

  • 28.12.2017
    Market analysis of goods
    Market analysis of goods

    When you do not have enough personal knowledge, experience or time to develop a marketing strategy, at any time you can turn to the services of experts who will monitor competitors' prices as they specialize in marketing research and know exactly what needs to be done. Consultations with experts...

  • 27.12.2017
    Sale of playgrounds
    Sale of playgrounds

    There is nothing more important and valuable in life than our children. It is from this irrefutable truth that employees of the Gorodki company repel, whose main activity is the sale of playgrounds, more on gorodki-mos.ru . Made of natural wood, free of harmful metal alloys and high-quality...

  • 27.12.2017
    Respiratory system protection from harmful substances
    Respiratory system protection from harmful substances

    Plants manufacturers of personal protective equipment produce various means to protect the respiratory system from germs, dust, smoke and various harmful substances. Among them, gas masks for civil and military purposes, self-rescuers and respirators are the most in demand. Spetszashita...

  • 27.12.2017
    Professional services for SPD registration
    Professional services for SPD registration

    Registering a company and your own business is a process that can take a lot of time and effort. However, if you turn to professionals, you can become a private entrepreneur in just a few days. For these purposes, there are special firms that will always help to draw up the necessary documents...

  • 27.12.2017
    What is Renault's Global Affordability Program?
    What is Renault's Global Affordability Program?

    This is the Renault Group range of affordable vehicles for sale worldwide. The company's commitment to the low-cost car segment is due to the fact that purchasing power is not growing in the face of inflation and unchanged salaries, but the cost of new cars is increasing. Therefore, many people...

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