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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Thyssenkrupp закроет завод в Галмеде в Испании Thyssenkrupp will close its Galmeda plant in Spain

    Germany's Thyssenkrupp is closing its Spanish plant Galmed (FBA9), located near Valencia, the company confirmed when contacted by Callanish. The Sagunto plant can produce 450,000 tons of hot-dip galvanized coils per year. The material is mainly supplied to the automotive sector. The German...
    29.11.2023  13:00
  • ЕС и США упускают уникальную возможность урегулировать торговый спор EU and US miss unique opportunity to resolve trade dispute

    The outcome of the EU Trade Council meeting shows that the EU and US are still far from reaching an agreement on climate protection, combating trade imbalances in global industry and resolving the EU-US trade dispute by the end of 2023, as originally agreed by Commission President Ursula von der...
    29.11.2023  12:57
  • Забастовка польских дальнобойщиков угрожает поставкам труб из Украины Strike by Polish truckers threatens pipe supplies from Ukraine

    Ukrainian pipe companies increased production in January-September, reports the national association of pipemakers Ukrtruboprom. The total volume amounted to 376.1 thousand tons, which is 5.1% more than a year earlier, Callanish notes. However, in September alone, production reached 36.9...
    29.11.2023  12:51
  • Импорт нержавеющей стали в Китай в октябре достиг внутригодового максимума China's stainless steel imports hit intra-year high in October

    China's stainless steel imports reached 284,200 tons in October, up 22.8% from September and hitting a new high this year, but tonnage was still 8% lower, according to data released by the country's General Administration of Economic Affairs. .6% compared to October 2022. Customs (GACC). The...
    22.11.2023  13:01
  • ЕС проведет второй водородный аукцион весной 2024 года EU to hold second hydrogen auction in spring 2024

    The European Commission will open a second round of auctions to support EU renewable hydrogen production in spring 2024, EU President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Monday. The European Hydrogen Bank, created last October, will have a budget of 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion). The first pilot...
    22.11.2023  12:52
  • ArcelorMittal Zenica останавливает производство из-за рыночных условий ArcelorMittal Zenica stops production due to market conditions

    ArcelorMittal's Zenica steel plant in Bosnia has temporarily suspended production due to weak market conditions. “After careful consideration and evaluation of all available options, ArcelorMittal Zenica temporarily shut down its blast furnace on November 11, and production is gradually being s...
    22.11.2023  12:49
  • В Иране за первое полугодие произведено более 11 млн тонн металлопродукции Iran produced more than 11 million tons of metal products in the first half of the year

    Iran produced 11.112 million tons of steel products in the first half of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-September 22), the Iran Steel Producers Association (ISPA) reported. The Iranian steel industry has been constantly developing in recent years, despite all the pressures and...
    07.11.2023  12:30
  • Цены на стальной лом в Китае могут вырасти в ноябре China scrap steel prices may rise in November

    Scrap steel prices in the country fell significantly in October as steel producers lowered scrap procurement prices to reduce production costs, Mysteel Global said. As of October 31, China's Mysteel scrap steel index was 2,892.7 yuan per ton ($406.4 per ton), including 13% VAT, down 2.9% from...
    07.11.2023  12:25
  • Nippon Steel отказалась от патентных исков против Toyota и Mitsui Nippon Steel drops patent lawsuits against Toyota and Mitsui

    Japan's Nippon Steel said it has dropped its lawsuits against Toyota Motor and Mitsui & Co over patents on electrical steel sheets, but continues to seek damages from China's Baoshan Iron & Steel (Baosteel). The Nippon Steel (5401.T) lawsuits, filed in 2021, sought damages from Toyota (7203.T) ,...
    06.11.2023  12:19
  • Правительство Малайзии планирует решить проблему избыточных мощностей в регионе Malaysian government plans to address excess capacity in the region

    The Malaysian government plans to work with China and Southeast Asian authorities to address overcapacity in the steel industry. “The problem [in the steel industry] is overcapacity. I hope that the Malaysian steel industry, together with the government, can have more dialogue and also work more ...
    06.11.2023  12:14
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