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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Сталелитейная промышленность ЕС сталкивается с проблемами спроса и предложения EU steel industry faces supply and demand challenges

    Balancing supply and demand will continue to be a challenge for Europe's steel industry, despite forecasts that 2024 could mark the start of change. According to Worldsteel's latest short-term forecast report, demand will increase by 2.9% this year. Worldsteel's forecast indicates that this will...
    29.04.2024  10:57
  • Спрос на сталь в ЕС восстановится в 2025 году - Worldsteel EU steel demand to recover in 2025 - Worldsteel

    The 7 countries of the European Union plus the United Kingdom will have to wait until 2025 for steel demand to recover properly. The World Steel Association forecasts that EU steel demand will increase only modestly this year in the form of a "technical recovery", with a larger rise of 5.3% in...
    12.04.2024  09:52
  • Европейское подразделение Liberty размещает штаб-квартиру в Вене Liberty's European division is headquartered in Vienna

    Liberty Steel has appointed Thomas Gangl as chief executive of its European division, effective July 1, and has chosen Vienna as the location for its European headquarters. Gangl is currently CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Vienna-based chemical company Borealis, and previously held various...
    05.04.2024  12:40
  • Количество электромобилей в Казахстане за год выросло в девять раз The number of electric vehicles in Kazakhstan has increased ninefold over the year

    Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular in Kazakhstan. The number of electric vehicles in the country increased ninefold in January compared to January last year, according to the Office of National Statistics. Globally, in just five years, from 2017 to 2022, sales of electric vehicles...
    01.04.2024  12:51
  • Liberty Czestochowa готовится к возобновлению производства Liberty Czestochowa is preparing to resume production

    Polish plate manufacturer Liberty Czestochowa says it is preparing to resume production after a long "period of interruption." Plate mill workers returned to their jobs last week, and electric arc melt shop workers are expected to return next week once water supplies are restored. “There is s...
    01.04.2024  12:37
  • Ferrexpo столкнулась с ограничениями корпоративных прав украинских дочерних компаний Ferrexpo faced restrictions on the corporate rights of Ukrainian subsidiaries

    Iron ore pellet producer Ferrexpo said a court has prohibited the transfer of ownership and other corporate rights associated with shares to the company's subsidiaries in Ukraine. “It is understood that the restrictions are part of an ongoing series of legal proceedings against Konstantin Z...
    27.03.2024  11:38
  • Казахстан открыл национальный павильон на горнодобывающей конференции в Торонто Kazakhstan opened a national pavilion at a mining conference in Toronto

    Minister of Industry and Construction of Kazakhstan Kanat Sharlapaev took part in the opening of the national pavilion at the International Convention of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) 2024 in Toronto, the department’s press service reports. The PDAC Conference, the l...
    24.03.2024  12:16
  • Импорт российского угля в Китай резко упал из-за налогов на импорт Russian coal imports to China plummet due to import taxes

    Chinese purchases of Russian coal fell sharply in the first two months of the year after Beijing reimposed import taxes that make Russian supplies less competitive. While China's total coal imports rose 23% year-on-year to 74.5 million tons in January and February, sales to Russia fell 22% to...
    24.03.2024  11:53
  • Voestalpine продаст немецкое подразделение по производству специальной стали Voestalpine to sell German special steel division

    The management of Voestalpine has decided to change the planned strategic repositioning of Buderus Edelstahl to the sale of a subsidiary. The company says it is doing this in response to economic conditions for industrial manufacturing companies in Germany. Buderus is part of the voestalpine...
    18.03.2024  14:06
  • Цена на алюминий приблизилась к шестинедельному максимуму Aluminum prices approach six-week highs

    Aluminum prices rose on Tuesday, hitting a nearly six-week high on signs of seasonally strong demand. On the London Metal Exchange (LME), three-month aluminum prices reached $2,270 per metric ton, marking their highest level since February 1. According to Tom Price, Liberum's head of...
    13.03.2024  12:05
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