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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Испания отдает приоритет проекту Hydnum Steel Spain gives priority to Hydnum Steel project

    Spain's Hydnum Steel (HS) has been declared a priority project by the regional government of Castile-La Mancha, the company's Callanish said. This guarantees investment preferential administrative treatment and expedited project implementation. HS plans to build the first green steel mill on the...
    11.07.2024  14:41
  • Рабочие Tata Steel в Великобритании объявили первую за 40 лет забастовку Tata Steel workers in the UK go on strike for the first time in 40 years

    Tata Steel workers in the UK are going on strike for the first time in more than 40 years after the Indian steelmaker rolled out cost-saving measures including massive job cuts. About 1,500 workers in Port Talbot and Llanwern, Wales, will go on an indefinite general strike over the company's...
    24.06.2024  11:15
  • Китайская фирма расследует дело о пропаже российской меди Chinese firm is investigating the case of missing Russian copper

    A Chinese state-owned firm whose shipment of copper from Russia went missing said it was investigating the case, which has a monetary value of about 110 million yuan ($15 million). Wuchan Zhongda Group Co. bought 2,000 tons of refined copper from a Russian company that was supposed to be...
    16.06.2024  11:41
  • ЕС защитит автомобильный сектор тарифами на  китайские электромобили EU to protect auto sector with tariffs on Chinese electric cars

    The European Commission's introduction of import tariffs of up to 48.1% on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) could help protect long-term steel demand from the EU auto sector. Tariffs of between 17.4% and 38.1% will be levied on vehicles depending on their manufacturers' level of cooperation...
    16.06.2024  11:33
  • Рост производства в Украине подчеркивает чувствительность поставок Ukraine's production growth highlights supply sensitivity

    MEPS respondents in Poland are increasingly concerned about the potential consequences of oversupply as steel mills in Ukraine increase production. Some believe that the risks faced by cargo ships leaving Ukrainian ports due to the ongoing conflict with Russia increase Poland's vulnerability to...
    06.06.2024  13:34
  • Рынок электромобилей ЕС играет центральную роль в потреблении автомобильной стали EU electric vehicle market plays central role in automotive steel consumption

    European sales of Chinese-made cars grew by 45% in 2023, accounting for 4% of the market. The European Commission believes that the market share of Chinese cars could rise to 15% by 2025. In 2020, China exported about a million cars. This year, about six million cars are expected to be exported to...
    28.05.2024  10:00
  • Снижение цен в Европе сокращает спрос на зеленую сталь Falling prices in Europe reduce demand for green steel

    European steel buyers' interest in green steel has waned following a price reversal driven by end-users needing to cut costs amid weak demand. Investment in green steel production is increasing as the European Commission approaches its goal of making the steel industry a net-zero carbon emitter by...
    20.05.2024  17:54
  • ЕС повышает импортные пошлины на нержавеющую сталь EU raises import duties on stainless steel

    The European Commission's application of countervailing and anti-dumping duties on imports of cold-rolled stainless steel from Taiwan and Vietnam will result in rates of almost 40% in some cases. Earlier this week, MEPS reported the findings of the Anti-Fraud Commission's investigation into...
    12.05.2024  13:08
  • Металлургия Индии может столкнуться с препятствиями в поставках сырья Indian metallurgy may face obstacles in raw material supply

    The expansion of India's steel production capacity comes at an opportune time for the industry, as the country has been undertaking large-scale infrastructure projects such as national highways in the last few years. Now that the country is in the midst of a general election and if the incumbent...
    06.05.2024  10:21
  • Цены на нержавеющую сталь в США продолжают расти US stainless steel prices continue to rise

    Outokumpu's US unit in Calvert tried to raise its base price this month However, this proved largely unsuccessful and prices eventually rose in line with published alloy premiums. The value of 304 and 316 flat-rolled deals will rise minimally in May, but are likely to jump in June following the...
    01.05.2024  10:11
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