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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Глава Метинвеста заявил, что открыт для будущего участия в проекте Илва The head of Metinvest said that he is open to future participation in the Ilva project

    Although Metinvest is prioritizing its future Italian flat-rolled steel plant in Piombino, Metinvest says it may consider becoming a shareholder in troubled steelmaker Acciaierie d'Italia in the future. Currently, Metinvest supplies Taranto with raw materials and purchases slabs from Taranto for...
    31.01.2024  14:21
  • Производство стали в Германии в 2023 году будет самым низким с 2009 года German steel production in 2023 will be the lowest since 2009

    High energy prices and weak demand have led to a historic decline in German steel production in 2023, the national steel industry association WV Stahl said on Tuesday, January 23. In December 2023, the country produced 2.631 million tons of steel, which is 2.3% less than in December 2022. For all...
    24.01.2024  23:13
  • Tata подтверждает закрытие доменные печи в Великобритании Tata confirms UK blast furnace closure

    Tata Steel has confirmed it will close blast furnaces at its Port Talbot steel plant and cut up to 2,800 jobs. The hot rolling mill will continue to operate during the proposed transition period, with subsequent units receiving imported steel raw materials from Tata Steel's plants in the...
    21.01.2024  18:56
  • Польские заводы повышают цены на арматуру, чтобы покрыть возросшие производственные затраты Polish factories are raising prices for valves to cover increased production costs

    Polish mills increased prices for rebar, while the price for wire rod remained unchanged in the week to Friday, January 12, sources told Fastmarkets. According to sources, valve prices in Poland have risen due to higher production costs, including rising raw material prices, coupled with weak...
    17.01.2024  11:11
  • Производство стали в Испании выросло на 22% в годовом исчислении Steel production in Spain increased by 22% year on year

    Spanish steel output rose 22% year-on-year in November 2023 to 1.06 million tonnes, bringing underlying production to an eight-month high, data from steel group Unesid showed on January 10. Output in the 12 months to November was 11.3 million tonnes, the highest since March 2023, although still...
    11.01.2024  12:35
  • Liberty Dunaferr перезапускает прокатные станы Liberty Dunaferr restarts rolling mills

    Liberty Dunaújváros (Dunaferr) rolling mills, including a hot-dip galvanizing line, have completed their first customer-specific campaign in January. They are "ready" for their next campaign later this month, the spokesperson adds. The firm declined to comment on whether the relaunch was d...
    11.01.2024  12:31
  • Цена на железную руду падает Iron ore price falls

    Iron ore prices fell for a third straight session on Monday to hit their lowest level in a week as some investors unwinded long positions to lock in profits amid weakening demand and steel margins. Top-traded iron ore for May delivery on China's Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) ended the day down...
    08.01.2024  14:51
  • Индия освободит некоторые виды импортной стальной продукции от требований контроля качества India to exempt some imported steel products from quality control requirements

    India may exempt some imported steel products from quality control requirements to meet domestic demand and curb prices, broadcaster ET Now reported on Thursday, citing sources. Products could include aerospace steel and high-speed tool steel, among others, the broadcaster said. India only...
    05.01.2024  15:23
  • Затраты немецких заводов останутся высокими до весны 2024 года Costs at German factories will remain high until spring 2024

    German steelmakers' production costs reached critical levels in the fourth quarter and will not fall for another couple of months, says Andreas Schneider of Stahlmarkt Consult. He estimates oxygen plant costs rose by €80/t ($88) from July to October and have remained constant since then. He a...
    05.01.2024  14:52
  • Байден официально продлил тарифные льготы ЕС до 2025 года Biden officially extends EU tariff breaks until 2025

    US President Joe Biden has extended the suspension of tariffs on steel and aluminum smelted and cast in EU member states until December 31, 2025. According to the President's plan, outlined in full on the White House website, EU steel and aluminum products would be subject to a "tariff rate quota...
    02.01.2024  16:03
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